First HST cycle, a few questions


New Member
Hey guys,

This is my first cycle running HST. So far I'am enjoying the routine, however I do have a couple of questions. I have the 150pg E-book, and I could not find my answers, so I decided I'd ask here instead.

I'm on the second day of the 15's. The weight is obviously very light at this point. So I have been focusing on form, and preforming the negatives at 3 or 4 to get the lactic acid burn. I do not get much of a pump doing the 15's yet, but this doesn't bother me, because I understand on the second day, the weight is still VERY low.

But, one thing I'm curious about... I have been completing my routine in about 20 minutes. Is this normal? I have been taking approx 90 secs between exercises. Some of them I have been super setting... for instance, the push-pull exercises... I have been super setting some of those antagonisitic groups... like Flat Bench immediately to BB Row... Is this okay for HST? and is the 20 minutes okay?

I have been doing light stretching after the 15's as well...

Thanks for any and all input.. if you need more information, just holler.

My routine is...

And for volume purposes I'am doing 1x15, 2x10 3x5 for the 2 week blocks, as recommended by others who have completed HST.


Bench Press


Barbell Rows

Miltary Press

Barbell Curl

Skull Crushers

Calf Raise

20 mins is fine as your only doing 1x15,if you are finding it to easy do 2x15 or just do some extra reps but stop one short of faliure.