First HST cycle and cutting

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Hey guys

I plan on starting my first cycle of HST and have a few questions I hope some of you can help me out. I did search but couldn't find the right answer I was looking for.

I plan on doing a really simplified version of HST 3x week, cardio non workout days and currently cutting.

Workout A / B

-Squats / Deadlift
-Bench press
-Military Press
Might throw some ab work 1-2 times a week

1. From what I gathered SD was not recommended if the person was going to cut. Right now I plan on doing atleast a 7-9 days of SD but just want to know your opinion.

2. Since I am cutting for this cycle should I just do the normal hst routine or should I modifiy it somewhat. For example should I skip week 1-2 1x15 and replace it with 3 weeks of 2x10 and 3 weeks of 3x5 followed by negatives or another 2 weeks of 5.

Any adive would be greatly appreciated, thanks.
(evosil98 @ Apr. 14 2007,06:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hey guys

I plan on starting my first cycle of HST and have a few questions I hope some of you can help me out. I did search but couldn't find the right answer I was looking for.

I plan on doing a really simplified version of HST 3x week, cardio non workout days and currently cutting.

Workout A / B

-Squats / Deadlift
-Bench press
-Military Press
Might throw some ab work 1-2 times a week

1. From what I gathered SD was not recommended if the person was going to cut.  Right now I plan on doing atleast a 7-9 days of SD but just want to know your opinion.

2. Since I am cutting for this cycle should I just do the normal hst routine or should I modifiy it somewhat.  For example should I skip week 1-2 1x15 and replace it with 3 weeks of 2x10 and 3 weeks of 3x5 followed by negatives or another 2 weeks of 5.

Any adive would be greatly appreciated, thanks.</div>
Your plan is perfect. Good exercises, and yes skip the 15s and the SD and just do three weeks of 10s, 3 weks of 5s and 3 weeks of heavy stuff. Maintaining strength with heavy mechanical loading is key to maintaining muscle mass, especially when cutting.