First HST Cycle Finished


New Member
I just finished my first HST cycle. It was 8 weeks long. It consisted of 2 weeks= 5s, 2weeks= 10s, 2 weeks 5s, and 2 weeks of 5 RM. I worked out M/W/F and my workouts never went over 45 minutes. I have tried many routines and I'm embarssed to say I had been stuck with the same weights for a long time. I was basically spinning my wheels at the gym and not getting anywhere. I can honestly say I never missed a workout in 8 weeks, cause I actually enjoyed working out again. This morning I went to the gym to test my new 15 RMs and I was amazed that I went up 25-30 lbs on all lifts! I could not beleive it and I can't wait to do my new 10 RMS and 5 RMS. I plan on doing SD as soon as I find my new RMs. The hard part is gonna be staying away from the GYM. I also ate pretty clean for the past 8 weeks and made sure to get my 8 hours of sleep every night. I kept the routine pretty simple. It mainly consists of compound exercises and only done 3 times a week. Just wanted to share my experience with everyone. I only wish I would have discovered this years ago.

Squats x 2 sets
Bench Press X 2 sets
SLDL X 2 sets
Rows X 2 sets
Military Press X 2 sets
Barbell curls X 1 set
Skull Crushers X 1 set
Calf Raises X 2 sets
I'm 6'2/14 BF% and weighed in at 177lbs when I began my first HST cycle. As of this morning I weigh 185lbs., but haven't measured BF% My pants pretty much fit the same. I have always used this as an indicator as to fat again, but I will get tested sometime soon. I'm gonna bulk for the remainder of the year and cut any fat gained next spring. My calorie intake was/is about 3800-4200 cals a day. All pretty clean. Diet mainly consists of: egg whites, oatmeal, skim milk, almonds, avocados, turkey, lean beef, tuna, brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whey protein, whole wheat bread, fruits, veggies, and water.