First HST cycle on a cut!


New Member
HST while maintaining weight/bulking has done wonders for my gains. (like adding 30 lbs to my 5RM deadlift in 6 weeks)
This is my first time using it on a cut though, so I'd like some constructive criticism of my workout plan:

It's basically the same set-up I've used for 2 previous cycles with good results. Unfortunately my crappy weight set broke down 2 weeks ago and I replaced it with an olympic weight set. I didn't get the chance to test my maxes for all rep ranges because it was time to lay off for a while and SD due to exam fatigue. I'm starting my HST cycle this wednesday after a week of SD. I couldn't stick to my usual 12 - 8 - 4 rep ranges because of aforementioned reasons. Anyway, here's what I got:

Squat 12*80 8*85 5*94
Deadlift 12*120 7*130 4*142
Military Press 12*44 8*49 4*54
Dumbbell bench press 10* 25.5 6-7*28 4*30.5
Dumbbell row 10*28 7*33 5*35.5
Barbell curl 10*34 7*36.5 4-5*39
Skullcrusher 12*31.5 8*34 5*36.5

The weights are all in kg. These are the best estimates I could make with the strength stats I knew. (that's why rep ranges vary)
The above stats are my RM's and I'll be building up to them
using 5% increments over 6 workouts. (starting at 75%)
2 sets for each exercise.

This is very similar to my previous cycles but should I change anything for a cut?

(Cardio will be 3x a week 40 mins and 1 tabatha session every 2 weeks by the way)

IMHO, I would drop the high rep ranges.

I am cutting as well right now. And all I am doing is my 5 Rep Ranges. And I am doing 4 sets for the first week and 3 sets for the second week.

So that being said you should probably do 15 reps in all ranges so in 8s so 2x8 (1 extra don't think it's a big deal
). and 3x5.

What are you doing for diet?
Thanks, that's not a bad idea.
I will skip the 2 week rep block of 10-12 reps and go straight to the 7-8 rep block for 2 weeks, followed by 2 weeks of 4-5 reps. After that I'll choose the rep block I liked the most and repeat it while adjusting weight appropriately. (hopefully I can at least maintain strength..)
This might work better for cutting than the 10-12 reps.
My diet is in order, I've posted it in a couple forums and filtered out the "wrong" things to eat with the help from other people. Basically I was eating too many carbs. I've cut out a lot of carbs and opted for more fat.
If you check my log you will see the diet I am doing. Which is also basically a low carb diet.

I am fine right now but I think on day 58 I am keel