First HST Cycle - Please Critique


New Member
A little about me - 31 years old.  Male.  6'0" around 195 pounds (was 215 a few months ago).  Considered "skinny fat" (still have a small gut / belly).  Just finished a 6 week Rippetoe Starting Strength routine with satisfied results.  Now, I want to look ripped.

I believe I have my diet dialed in.  I'm eating 3200-3300 calories daily with a 33% protein / 45% carb / 22% fat macro ratio.

(1) I really like the "Simply and Win" thread, so I'm basing my first HST cycle off that.  Here's my MWF routine which I'll be doing during my lunch break.

Bench Press
Bent Over Row
Military Press
Lat Pulldowns
Romanian Deadlifts

15s x 2 sets
10s x 2 sets
5x x 1 set

I chose the Lat Pulldowns to help me improve my pull ups and chin ups.  Currently, I could only do about 3 pull ups and chin ups with proper form (around 6 without proper form).

(2) For weeks 7 and 8, I'm planning on the Max-Stim method with my 3RM since I don't have a training partner.

(3) For my Tuesday and Thursday workouts, I plan on doing HIIT cardio on the stationary bicycle for about 20-30 minutes.

(4) For my MWF evenings, I plan on doing body weight push ups before bed.  I did these a few years ago and my chest and arms really grew, but my growth stopped shortly thereafter.

So there it goes - my first HST cycle routine.  I'd like to get it right the first time to set a good foundation.  How does my (1) exercise selection, (2) weeks 7 and 8 Max-Stim, (3) Tue & Thur cardio, and (4) MWF evening pushup routine look to you guys?  Thanks in advance.
Champ: what's your body fat %age right now? In wanting to get 'ripped,' do you mean sub-10% bf?

As you are going to be cutting, I would do just one week of 15s or skip them altogether. If you're taking a week's SD, be sure to eat at maintenance cals for the duration.
(Lol @ May 01 2009,9:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Champ: what's your body fat %age right now? In wanting to get 'ripped,' do you mean sub-10% bf?

As you are going to be cutting, I would do just one week of 15s or skip them altogether. If you're taking a week's SD, be sure to eat at maintenance cals for the duration.</div>
Maybe &quot;ripped&quot; was a bad choice of words.  I'm actually looking to get bigger around the 200-205 pound range where my muscles will be really defined.  I'm aiming for a body recomposition and was hoping that the Tuesday and Thursday HIIT cardio will help out to lose the belly fat.  So, I'm actually not cutting, but minor bulking for muscle gain.  I don't feel I'm ready for cutting because there's not much muscle to cut to.