First HST Cycle - Please critique


New Member
Hi all,

I'm not new to lifting but I'm new to HST and I am a bit confused about how to make my own program. I have taken a look at other people's programs but I wanted a couple of different exercises to personalize it but I was afraid of overstressing or understressing certain areas.

First, I should explain. I plan on cutting during my first HST cycle, and then bulking for my second cycle and beyond.
Also, I injured my back when I deadlifted the day after moving my brother into his new apartment. This was a couple of weeks ago but I thought I should avoid rows and deadlift for this first cycle.

I'm not sure if I should have an A and B workout. This is my ideal workout and I have listed them in order of how I plan on doing it each day (Monday/Wednesday/Friday)

Incline Bench
Weighted Chins
Standing Shoulder Press
Dumbell Shrugs (does it matter dumbell or barbell?)
Weighted Dips
Barbell Curls
Tricep Extension
Sitting Calf Raises

How does it look? Feel free to tear this up. I really could use everyone's input.
But I really want to keep both incline bench and dips because those areas of my chest are not very big comparatively. I also want to keep chinups and shrugs because I have never done those in my past two workout programs.

Whatever you guys say, I will do. Please give me the best advice you can offer. I have plenty of time to do my workouts so pile on the exercises if you like!

Thanks guys!!
Looks good overall, though my advice would be to drop the curls and tri extensions. Doing chins and dips every session will give your arms enough stimulus. With shrugs it does not matter if you use a barbell or dumbbells, but go for a weight which allows you lift the shoulders as high as possible. Some people do shrugs with way too much weight resulting in partial shrugs. This reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. Since your back injury prevents regular rows you could try supported prone rows instead, however these are not really necessary as chins will target the back sufficiently. Also it may be worthwhile including an exercise for the abdominals. Regular crunches or bicycle crunches with a dumbbell held behind your head are quite effective, but when working out your 15, 10 and 5 rep max weights for abdominal exercises do it for 30, 20 and 10 reps, then when performing the exercise during a training session count 2 reps as 1.
agree with spillaert
drop the curls/tris add in a cable-row (keep back straight) or chest-supported-row
if you wanted( because your doing incline-bench) you could drop the standing-press and add rear or side delts,because inclines work the front of the shoulders very well.

also remember you wont gain much muscle if any on a cut.
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