First HST Cycle Results (advanced trainee)


New Member
I finished up my first HST Cycle yesterday. It went amazingly well. Here's a breakdown of what I did and the results:

2 weeks of 15's
2 weeks of 10's
2 weeks of 5's
1.5 weeks of 5's @ 100%+
SD will be 13 days long

Leverage Squat
Incline Bench
DB Curls
Toe Press

Decline Bench
BB Row
DB Arnold Press
Rope Pushdown
BB Curl
Toe press

During the first week of a microcycle I would do 3 sets on the first 4 exercises, 2 sets each for arms, and 3 sets for calves. On the second week of each microcycle I would drop 1 set on each exercise.

Ketogenic no-carb diet. Carb-ups on Sundays. 2550 calories Mon-Sat, around 4000 on Sundays. I did not change my diet from my previous routine (Max-OT). The caloric intake is just a hair above maintenance.

Carb depleted bodyweight up 2-3lbs (177lbs).
No change in waist (32.5").

Strength gains were surprising. I kept getting stronger during the third week of 5's, despite training at 100%+ each time and maintaining a high frequency. I was sore, and didn't want to train... but gains kept coming.

Here are some of my lifts while using Max-OT (just prior to this first HST cycle) and what I ended up using at the end of my HST cycle. Most of these lifts had been stagnating for at least 3-6 months while using Max-OT.

Max-OT= 270 2x5 (first exercise)
HST = 285 1x5, 1x3 (deeper and not to failure)

Leverage Squat:
Max-OT = 430 2x6 (third exercise after 2 sets of squats and 2 sets of front squats)
HST = 490 2x5

Decline Bench:
Max-OT = 275 1x4, 1x3 (first exercise)
HST = 285 2x5, 1x4

Incline Bench:
Max-OT = 210 1x6, 1x5 (second exercise after 2 sets of decline)
HST = 230 2x4

BB Row:
Max-OT = 295 2x6 (first exercise)
HST = 310 2x5

Max-OT = +55lbs 2x6 (second exercise after 2 sets of rows)
HST = +65lbs 2x5

BB Curl:
Max-OT = 135 1x6, 1x5 (first exercise)
HST = 145 1x5

After about 6-8 months or so of spinning my wheels with Max-OT (resetting the weights, approaching my previous PR's but never being able to surpass them), it feels great seeing the weights increasing again, and the scale moving.

I'm looking forward to the next cycle. If I can keep adding 5-10lbs per lift, per cycle... then I'll be happy.
Whats with the Ketogenic no-carb diet? And why are you eating just a touch above maintenance?

Are you recomping?
Looks like a modified UD2.0 diet, I'm assuming in order to prevent fat gain while building muscle.
I was under the impression carbs help when building muscle and protein becomes less important, as long as you hit your minimum RDA for bodybuilding purposes (1.2 x bodyweight in lbs).
Looks like a modified UD2.0 diet, I'm assuming in order to prevent fat gain while building muscle.

The diet is called The Metabolic Diet by Dr. Maura DiPasquale. I used it for a re-comp in 2010, and I have continued to use it because it allows me to stay lean while getting stronger and adding muscle mass.

Here's a pic from my re-comp in 2010. My waist dropped from a 39" to a 32", while my weight went from 205lbs to 170lbs, and all while getting stronger in the gym.


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