First HST cycle


New Member
Hello everyone, I am going to be starting on my first ever HST cycle on June 23rd. This week I am calculating my RM's and starting Saturday, I will slumber into SD.

I am planning on using the following exercise for my HST cycle, please let me know if they look ok to you guys.

Flat Bench/Incline Bench (M &F flat, W Incline)
Seated Row
Seated Shoulder Press
Squats/Deads (M & F squat, W Dead)
Tricep Push Down
Bicep Curl
Abs (using a machine)

Also, I think I read somewhere that it is better to have compound increments in 10lbs and isolations at 5lbs. Is that necessary or for simplicity can I just leave everything at 5lbs increments?

Thanks in advance for all your help. Really excited about this program!
Welcome jhj

Congrats, for the first time I see a newbie with a sensible program, not something full of this and that isolation to try and tackle every single muscle in the body

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Also, I think I read somewhere that it is better to have compound increments in 10lbs and isolations at 5lbs. Is that necessary or for simplicity can I just leave everything at 5lbs increments?</div>

You'd be better off using %'s instead of pounds, 10% for compounds and 5% for isolations.
increase the weight the way you feel comfortable with,fausto has given you another option,but its up to you.

as fausto said looks
the only thing missing is a vertical pull,like chins or pulldowns,you could drop the curls and add one of these.
I gotta go on Ebay and get me one a' them !!!

Welcome to HST, jhj. I do 20 lbs. for legs, but as suggested, percentages will work best. No one size fits all.
Thank you all for the warm welcome and checking my routine.

(faz @ Jun. 11 2008,6:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">the only thing missing is a vertical pull,like chins or pulldowns,you could drop the curls and add one of these.</div>

I would have liked to incorporate chinups or pullups but the gym does not have a weight belt. Would you all recommend using the cable machine for the chinup? and would that also hit the bicep?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I would have liked to incorporate chinups or pullups but the gym does not have a weight belt.</div>
You can try holding a dumbbell between your legs. It isn't that practical when you need heavy weights though...
Like 9to5 said you can always try holding a db with your legs. I have seen people hold them between their thighs or with their feet. It is going to be what ever works for you.
I have also seen people use back packs with plates loaded in them. Naturally there is a limit to how much you can load in one though!
You can always buy your own belt. I guy at my gym does his entire routine with a regular belt on. He has an extra piece of chain and a d-ring that he uses to attach the weights to the buckle and it seems to work well for him.
There are actually lots of options if you are creative.
(jhj @ Jun. 11 2008,2:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thank you all for the warm welcome and checking my routine.

(faz @ Jun. 11 2008,6:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">the only thing missing is a vertical pull,like chins or pulldowns,you could drop the curls and add one of these.</div>

I would have liked to incorporate chinups or pullups but the gym does not have a weight belt.  Would you all recommend using the cable machine for the chinup? and would that also hit the bicep?</div>
Hey, welcome jhj!

Why not be the envy of all at the gym and get yourself a weight belt? You can use it for dips as well as chins.

Before I got mine I used my regular lifting belt and used some rope to attach plates. A bit fiddley but doable if money is tight.

Edit: Just noticed that dawaro already suggested purchasing your own belt. Great idea that man!
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> Would you all recommend using the cable machine for the chinup? and would that also hit the bicep?</div>
if you mean the lat pulldown machine thats what i was meaning when i said pulldowns.
I thought I'd update everyone, last Friday I finished establishing my max's. I have been on SD since Friday's workout and plan to hit the gym next Monday the 23rd.

Very excited about this plan. Thanks again for all the support. I am sure I will come back with additional questions.
yeah a backpack is an awesome option, i use it myself, i'm not as strong as the guys that use 40+kg with chins, so it works very well for me.
go for it man, best of luck, work hard, stay focused and you'll get awesome results!!!