First HST program please comment and critique


New Member
I've been lifting weights for about 3 years with no real goal other than looking/feeling good. Now I've decided I want to start body building and this seems to be the perfect place to start. I'm 6'2" 215lbs

This is my log for my First 2 Weeks
*2 sets of each
Reverse grip bench 115x15
Flat Bench 135x15
DB shrugs 70'sx15
Tricep Extensions 25x15
close grip bench 95x15
BB shoulder press 85x15
Bent over Rows 135x15
BB curls 55x15
Lat Pull down 105x15
Close grip pull downs 90x15
Calf raises 90x15
squats 135x15
decline sit ups 10lbs behind head x15
Roman Chair leg raises (no weight)

I plan to swap out some exercises for example I will only do BB bench press every other workout and instead to DB bench press during the other in order for me to keep the weight heavy enough to have some effect and yet light enough that I can have a significant increase in weight each workout.

I'll be working out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with no weights or cardio on my off days. I also do 20min of HIIT after each workout. My diet is very good although I don't really count calories that closely i stick with vegetables lean meats healthy fats good carbs like quinoa and brown rice. I do take dextrose during my workout before my HIIT to prevent protein breakdown.

Any suggestions or comments would be helpful :)
I've been lifting weights for about 3 years with no real goal other than looking/feeling good. Now I've decided I want to start body building and this seems to be the perfect place to start. I'm 6'2" 215lbs

This is my log for my First 2 Weeks
*2 sets of each
Reverse grip bench 115x15
Flat Bench 135x15
DB shrugs 70'sx15
Tricep Extensions 25x15
close grip bench 95x15
BB shoulder press 85x15
Bent over Rows 135x15
BB curls 55x15
Lat Pull down 105x15
Close grip pull downs 90x15
Calf raises 90x15
squats 135x15
decline sit ups 10lbs behind head x15
Roman Chair leg raises (no weight)

I plan to swap out some exercises for example I will only do BB bench press every other workout and instead to DB bench press during the other in order for me to keep the weight heavy enough to have some effect and yet light enough that I can have a significant increase in weight each workout.

I'll be working out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday with no weights or cardio on my off days. I also do 20min of HIIT after each workout. My diet is very good although I don't really count calories that closely i stick with vegetables lean meats healthy fats good carbs like quinoa and brown rice. I do take dextrose during my workout before my HIIT to prevent protein breakdown.

Any suggestions or comments would be helpful :)

I had never heard of reverse grip bench before, so I had to look it up. Seems people debate exactly what this variation is for - tricep or upper chest. What is your experience?
I use it for upper chest, I found an article stating that incline bench press only engages 5% more of your upper chest then normal flat bench but reverse grip utilizes up to 30%.... Yesterday was the first time i tried it, normally I do DB incline but figured I'd give it a shot. Felt really good when I focused on using my upper chest. I'll see if i can find the article and post it so you can take a look.
That's interesting. I've never tried it. I'll throw it at the end of Thursdays session and see what happens - thanks!

As far as your routine goes - that's a lot of stuff! You said you will be alternating some lifts?

Yeah it is quite a bit and takes a while at the gym for sure, but I try to do 2 exercises for each muscle group. As for alternating lifts I mean that every other workout will look identical but i'll have 2 different workouts. For example on Mondays i'll do squats and calf raises for legs, BB flat bench and reverse grip flat bench for chest on Wednesday I'll do leg press and calf raises for legs and dips and incline DB press for chest. Basically just alternating workouts every other workout but still sticking to 2 exercises per muscle group. I have no evidence or reason to back this up it just seems like a good idea to me to keep my muscles guessing.
Well i'm on my 3rd week and will be doing my 2nd day of 10 reps today and so far so good. I was amazed at how much strength and endurance i gained during the 15 rep weeks I was doing 155 for 15 on my 2nd last work out of the 2 weeks and was worried i would not be able to up the weight for my last workout, however i tossed on 165x15 reps and 2 sets no problem going to failure on my last set. I've continued to do HIIT at the end of my workouts, which does make for quite a long and tiring workout but i keep dextrose on hand to keep me going. so far i have gained about 1-2lb.... hard to say although I am loosing fat and still seem to be putting on a little weight which would tell me this is working great. However the HIIT does require me to eat a stupid amount of food... roughly 4000cal/day, which makes for one hell of a grocery bill but i do like to eat so it works out pretty good.
I've continued to do HIIT at the end of my workouts, which does make for quite a long and tiring workout but i keep dextrose on hand to keep me going.
Does the dextrose get you through the HIIT workouts? I’ve tried to add some HIIT at the end of my workouts but I’m just to dead to manage anything serious.
Does the dextrose get you through the HIIT workouts? I’ve tried to add some HIIT at the end of my workouts but I’m just to dead to manage anything serious.

yeah it works great, i also make sure i have some slow release carbs before my workout... usually oatmeal. I'd say keep a bottle of Gatorade or that vitamin water with you... its packed with sugar and during a workout is basically the only useful time to drink it.... i also take beta alanine and various pre-workout supplements before i lift. the combination of all of it is awesome.
Well i finished my 2 weeks of 5 reps and here are the results

Reverse grip bench 185 x 5
Flat bench 245 x 5
DB shrugs 150 x 5
Dips BW + 60 x 5
close grip bench 185 x 5
shoulder press 175 x 5 deadlift 385 x 5
Bent over rows 225 x 5 BB curls 115 x 5
Lat pull downs 225 x 5
Calf raises 200 x 5
Squats 275 x 5
Seated DB curls 55 x 5

I could have for sure upped the weight on my squats but my knee was starting to bother me. I think i'm going to skip the 2 weeks of eccentric weight as my knee is hurt and my left elbow seems very stressed. Feels as though i stretched a ligament or tendon... not sure which is bone to bone and which is muscle to bone but any load causes it to hurt quite a bit. any suggestions?