First HST routine - critique please


New Member
Hi Guys,

This is my first attempt at an HST routine. I have looked through the faq and the threads on here and come up with the following routine

DB Bench
Incline DB Bench
Standing Shoulder Press
BB Bentover Rows
BB Curls
Seated Tri Extn
DB Shrugs
Standing Calf Raise
Ab work (crunches)

Is this a balanced routine? and are there any reduntant or uncessary exercises?

I am of the understanding that I do 1 x 15, then 2 x 10 and finally 3 x 5 with incremental increases in poundages until I reach the rep max for that rep range - is this correct?

I will be training m - w - f

I appreciate any constructive responses :D

I also appreciate the fact that a lot of people request that their routine be looked at.

The reason I am asking is that while I have been lifting for 2 years or so I find that I am bouncing from one program to the next. HST seems like it could be the answer for me and I'd like to make sure I do it correctly.

Thanks in advance.
hey mate. looks good but i'd split it into A & B. i just started mine last week, have a look at my training log - getting massive. the exercises are pretty similar.
Totentanz has given me a lot of good advice about the order of exercises as well. i also asked the same question as you in the simplyfy & win thread.
got some good advice there from Fausto & Tot, so have a look there as well.

i was going to do shrugs & isos as well, but training every muscle group in one sesh is more hectic than you think.
the 15s will murder you if you do them properly. i would start your first cycle with just the basics and see how you go.

you are correct when you say do 1*15, 2*10 3*5. best place to start. also correct about the poundages.
i found all my RMs in one week, then i took 9 days SD. make sure you take a week off before you start or it may not work as well.
you need to decondition your muscles especially if you have been training for a while.

anyway i'm new to hst as well, but i got a lot of good advice asking pretty much exactly the same question.

p.s hows the redback? haven't been there for a while!
Hi OzMullet,

Cheers for your response mate.

I am starting my program tonight, so it's good to know I am on the right track. I am going to spend the week finding out my RMs then take the necessary days off for SD then crank into it.

I have looked through the other topics on the forums and gotten great ideas and now have a feel for HST, it's just good to have your own feedback.

I think I will start a training log as well so that I can keep on track and motivated.

Good spotting on my username :) I haven't been in the UK for about 5 years now (am a kiwi) but loved living in Acton....and living at the redback lol.

Catch you round mate.
I would take out either the DB Bench or the Incline DB Bench. In my opinion, there's no need to do two chest exercises. I'm a fan of dips if you wanted to sub one of those as well.
Is there a reason you choose to do DB shrugs instead of BB shrugs? Just curious. I can shrug loads more with a barbell than with dumbbells.

I think that, unless you aren't that strong yet, then doing deadlifts and squats in the same workout is probably going to get very difficult once you get into the 5s. I used to do both in the same workout just fine, but once I starting moving some serious loads, I had to split them apart. So that's something to watch out for. If you are able to do it now, then great. Go ahead and keep with it. Just keep it in mind for down the road.
Thanks for your replies,

Clayton - Good idea re the dips, I will incorporate them in my next cycle. I don't think I am strong enough at present to put them in, I dislocated my shoulder when I was younger and have problems with it when attempting dips.

Totentanz - I am not strong enough yet to be pushing serious weights about so should be able to cope with both in my cycle. That may change though if I find it too hard in the 5s

Thanks a lot for your replies, I appreciate your time.