First HST Routine


New Member
This is my first time at a HST Rotine, I am a confident weight trainer with a few years experience and have had a lazy 2 months or so. I thought I would give this a go. please comment on my plan.

Bench Press
Upright Row
Military Press
Bent Forward Row
EZ Curl
Calf Raises
Wide Grip Pull-Ups

Is it right I do 2 weeks @15 Reps 2@10 Reps and 2@5 Reps?
Also In one week do I keep the weight the same al throught the week?
You exercise selection looks ok, except for the lack of leg exercises, and personally I like to finish one bodypart before moving on to the next, but that's me. Yes, you do 2 weeks of 15, 10, and 5 reps, and no you don't keep the weight the same. You should increase weights every workout. Progressive loads are one of the basic principles of HST.
I like to add 5 lbs each workout for upper body and 10 lbs each workout for lower body. But then again, I'm not a very big guy, so you might want to increment more.

Careful on that upright row. You really don't want a shoulder impingement (trust me on this...).

I see your deads (good deal!) but hey, where are your squats?