First Post after Third Cycle....


New Member

I was fighting with myself to post this because of my embarrassment but here goes...

I have just finished my 3rd 'bulking cycle'

When I started back in September:
WEight 210
BF 24% (according to a scale not sure how accurate it is)
Didn't have measurements back then too bad would have liked to have seen the difference.

Weight 204
BF 19% (according to the same scale not sure how accurate it is)
But My shirts did get a little tighter and my pants got a lot looser!!

Looks like I will have to buy a new wardrobe....damn..

As for the body fat a couple of friends of mine think that I am about 16% BF. But I really can't tell so I am going to

go with 19%.

So that tells me I have gained muscle and lost fat which consequently appears that I have been doing a cut without realizing I was doing a cut cool eh? (Yes I am Canadian)

now here is what I want to accomplish:
Ultimate Goal: 10% BF by my birthday (Aug 24).
But I will be happy if I get to 14ish.

But there is a dilemma that I have.
My arms are puny compared to the rest of my body.

Here are my measurements:
Chest: 46.5"
Neck 16"
Waist: 35"
Hips: 38"
Thighs: 25"
Calves: 14"
My arms however are a piddly 15" (Flexed).
This is also assuming that I measured everything properly...

I am quite satisfied with my accomplishment but unsatisfied with the puny arms.

These is my routine

Incline Bench
Close Grip Chin ups
Wide Grip Rows
Rear Delts

Plus I did an hour of cardio on a bike on all off days and Core work with a swiss ball on 2 off days

Is there anything I can add/modify to grow the arms?
It is quite embarassing to have such a wide frame with puny arms. And being a lurker here for quite a while I have learned that a lot of you don't like arm isolations.

Also I think I will need to do a better cutting routine to accomplish my goals.

What I was thinking was adjust my diet.
the last few cycles I ate maintenance calories and seemed to work fairly well.
I think now I will eat a little below maintenance (500 or so).

The food will consist of:
Lots of veggies
Some fruit
All-Bran Buds/Vector Cereal (for breakfast)
Yoplait Source Yogurt
Chicken breasts/Fish/maybe the odd steak

To be supplemented with:
Protein Shakes

I think the supplements may have played a huge role with my success as well, especially CLA.

And I was also thinking of doing HIIT or Tabata but I think I am not ready for Tabata as of yet.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

BTW my nephew (he's 19) has just started to SD from his first cycle and he grew considerably I am not sure how much he gained but his quads were most successful part that grew. Like they say Youth is wasted on the
Arm isolations are great for what you need. We don't like newbies doing isolations, when they need to focus on building a base of mass.
If you want to focus on arms while cutting or just to bring them up while maintaining eveything else, then arm iso's are king.
I would do close-grip bench or skullcrushers for triceps, and then do dumbell curls for biceps (alternating or incline, whatever you like).
Great thanks Sci!

Oh, I forgot to ask what type of routine ie Rest-Pause, Drop sets, Forced sets etc etc. I was thinking drop Sets but if there is a better method would be greatly appreciated.
I did HST for the first 3 cycles.

I guess what you are advising is just add the Arm ISOs to my current HST routine correct?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">WEight 210
BF 24% (according to a scale not sure how accurate it is)
Didn't have measurements back then too bad would have liked to have seen the difference.

Weight 204
BF 19% (according to the same scale not sure how accurate it is)
But My shirts did get a little tighter and my pants got a lot looser!!</div>

You have nothing to be embarassed about when these are your results. Keep up the good work!

And as far as your arms are concerned. Why not add Deadlifts? You don't need any iso work when you are doing chins, bench press, dips, rows, incline bench, and shrugs. With all those exercises, I suggest doing an A/B split.
Thanks Colby.

Just a quick FYI I tried to follow your methods as much as possible and Fausto's Classic thread Simply and Win. SHould be stickied in my opinion

BTW I wasn't embarrassed of my results I was embarrassed for asking a silly question..
I would take out flat bench and add some barbell curls, and unless your rear delts are lagging I would take those out and add some skullcrushers. Your chest seems pretty well built with those measurements and Incline/Dips should be enough to if not at least maintain, still give you balanced growth. And I would take better tri's over good rear delts anyday.

Keep these to a minimum, maybe 1 or 2 sets towards the end of your workout to save your energy for the compounds. I'd try Max-Stim for the curls... might be a little difficult to use for the skullcrushers.