First Post


New Member
Hello all
....I've been reading these boards for a couple of months now but this is my first contribution..

I've trained on and off for a good few years now, more off than on to be fair, and have never really committed myself to a particular training regimen. I have tended to flit from one method to another depending on the latest article that caught my interest. Consequently, I don't really think I've ever believed that my training would produce the results that I've hoped for. Then, hallelujah, I stumbled upon the HST site...and all became clear

Anyway, today I finished my 15's and I gotta say, I found it harder than I expected....I train in my lunch time and have an hour to rip through 2 sets of the following routine;

Incline DB press
Flat bench press
Lat pulldowns
Shoulder press
Close grip rows
Leg curls
Calf raises
Lying tricep extensions
Barbell curls

I have very little rest between sets and consequently, by the end...well, I'm chuffin tired!

On alternate days I do a bit of cardio and the following;

One arm rows
Close grip pulldowns
Leg extensions
Stiff leg deadlifts
and more calf raises

I'm doing a lot of legs because quite frankly, there's more meat on a chicken drumstick than on my legs

So that's it.....this is my learning cycle and although I'll probably see this one through as it is, any suggestions will be gladly received and taken on board for the next, feel free to comment or ignore...

(Bonio @ May 19 2006,19:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hello all
....I've been reading these boards for a couple of months now but this is my first contribution..

I've trained on and off for a good few years now, more off than on to be fair, and have never really committed myself to a particular training regimen. I have tended to flit from one method to another depending on the latest article that caught my interest. Consequently, I don't really think I've ever believed that my training would produce the results that I've hoped for. Then, hallelujah, I stumbled upon the HST site...and all became clear

Anyway, today I finished my 15's and I gotta say, I found it harder than I expected....I train in my lunch time and have an hour to rip through 2 sets of the following routine;

Incline DB press
Flat bench press
Lat pulldowns
Shoulder press
Close grip rows
Leg curls
Calf raises
Lying tricep extensions
Barbell curls

I have very little rest between sets and consequently, by the end...well, I'm chuffin tired!

On alternate days I do a bit of cardio and the following;

One arm rows
Close grip pulldowns
Leg extensions
Stiff leg deadlifts
and more calf raises

I'm doing a lot of legs because quite frankly, there's more meat on a chicken drumstick than on my legs

So that's it.....this is my learning cycle and although I'll probably see this one through as it is, any suggestions will be gladly received and taken on board for the next, feel free to comment or ignore...

Well for my 2 cents I say.

Drop 1 of the bench press
Drop the lat pulldowns, curls and tri extensions

Add chins and dips and do the deads with your regular workout

Drop the alternate workout and just do cardio and abs on those &quot;off&quot; days
Thanks for the comments Spyke.....

I was gonna do dips but I haven't got round to buying a weight belt yet....

As for chins, prior to my SD for this cycle I could just about sqeeze out 10 proper chins and that was with body weight. The gym I use doesn't have an assisted chin rack so I'm a bit stuffed.....unless you've got any suggestions....... I'll definately be giving it a go on my next cycle though..
For the dips, do slow reps until you get a belt. You can slow the reps down to whatever your rep requirement you are trying to get and still get a great workout.

On the chins, do the reverse. Use a fast tempo and take however many sets is necessary to hit your required reps. On your first week of 15's, that may be 3 sets of 5 and working to your last set where it might be a set of 10, rest and then a set of 5. When you get to the 5's, if you can't add weight, slow your tempo down again. Even Arnold did not often add weight to his chins.

Both are too important to miss out on them.
O&amp;'ve persuaded me with that advice

In the meantime, I suppose I could put a couple of plates in m' undies!

Thanks again!
if you cant do chins do pulldowns untill you get to the 5s then do chins..
for dips with no belt take a db and put it between your legs and cross them.
as spike said drop one of the benchpresses and tris and bis..good luck
Thanks Faz..

I did chins and dips today for my first workout of the 10s. Dips were fine....I slowed it down, dipped deep so I got a bit of a stretch in my pecs and it felt good. I've ordered a dipping belt so hopefully, I'll be adding a bit of weight by Friday.

On the chins...I always thought chins were close underhand grip however, I checked here
and it seems I was wrong. So, I used the the wide overhand grip, which I thought were pull-ups, is this what everyone means when they say chins?

Actually, I can't see much difference between chins and pull-ups as described in the above link!
Use a close-underhanded grip. It allows you to move more weight and is better for lat growth.