First really exausted and blacked out


New Member
I started my first HST session of the 15 rep 2 weeks block... it was planned to go like this:
Pullups 2 sets
Rows 2 sets
Incline DB press 2 sets
Flat DB press 2 sets
Military press 2 sets
Rear laterals 2 sets
Lateral raises 2 sets
Shrugs 2 sets
Squat 2 sets
Leg curls 2 sets
Calf raises 3 sets
Decline Crunches 3 sets
I stopped at the shrugs because i felt completely worn out and just took too dang longer than i expected (about an hour and half and i didn't even finish it! ) ..then at the locker room I blacked out for about 5 minuties. I'm fine now though..
BTW I'm cutting, do you think thats too much for a cutting diet? you need to note though that my cutting diet is not that restricted, I -almost- eat as much as I would eat on a clean bulk but with Cardio 4 times a week (non lifting days) so my cutting plan is more concentrated on intense cardio rather than calorie restricting..
any advice, suggestions would be nice.
I would cut that down to only one set for each instead of two sets during fifteens. Two sets during the fifteens would really suck, especially if you are cutting. An hour and a half is a pretty long session.
For cutting I still think the pre and post WO carbs are req'd - so don't skip out there.

Secondly, drop one of the chest, back exercises - alternate them. And don't do laterals or rear raises until the 5s - start at the low weight and progress through. Trust me on that, you be able to increment past the mid-10s otherwise.

You likely don't need crunches either, but if you're happy with them then no worries.
What do you mean you "blacked out?" Usually that is contrued someone passing out, i.e., fainting. If that is the case, you better see a doctor for a complete physical examination to determine the cause before you exercise anymore.
dude. that sounds like crazy exhaustion. Dkm once suggested this to me for a cut if you're not in too much of a hurry. Do the usual HST program, keep the volume pretty consistent meaning 1x15 for the 15s, 2x10 ...etc. For calories, start off hypercaloric for a little bit, then as you move away from the 15s into the 10s and 5s, taper off the calories so you end up at maintenance or a bit under. Now, since you've passed the 15s and 10s with no harm(manageable CNS fatigue) you continue into the 5s(not so much CNS pounding due to lower reps) with a maintenance/hypo caloric diet along with steady state cardio after workout, in mornings or whenever. I guess this is obviously suggested for energy reasons and avoiding burnout. It should work in the end because the calorie deficit becomes greater than the calorie excess in the beginning. Maybe this will work for you? maybe it won't, i started off pretty tubby so it worked haha. good luck

Personally I wouldn't use HST for cutting as a first time. Some experience is required.

You don't need so high volume. Half of it would be just fine.

Nausea is not uncommon for 15'. It's caused by lactic acid build up, but it shouldn't be so severe.

Notice that it's advisable to maintain the same TUT in subsequent RMs, so you see that this volume is really unncecessay.
I would take out the pull ups and the incline presses until I got much more advanced into HST. I would take everything else down to 1 set per exercise. This is one tough workout and the 15s are the toughest to do.

I do not doubt your blacking out doing 2 sets per exercise, w/15s and so many exercises.