First shot at HST, is this a good set-up?


New Member
Hey guys, I've become very stagnant on my conventional split even after only 6 months. I gained 20 lbs, and loads of strength, but my lifts haven't budged in a while. What do you think of this? I'm only worried about the 15's with chin-ups. I might just do 4 weeks of 10's with them.


I should also add that I'm planning on 1x15, 2x10, 3x5. I'll probably keep the post 5 the same as the 5's since I don't have a spotter, and don't know what to do for NR's.

Looks ok, I'd say space foer improvement lies in alternating exercises.

Squat/Deadlift - Bench/Dips - Rows/Chinups

This will:

1 - Shorten the workout, so you can improve with fewer lifts.
2 - Allow your lower back some "space" dedas + squats tends to be too much for most of us

3 - Allow for loading of both chins and dips (tip do these alternated eg: bench + chins - Dips + rows instead of having both loaded exercises on the same day)
4 - If you struggle adding weight to these, wait till you on 2nd week of 10's or the first week of 5's then add to the body wieght.
If you do bodyweight till then go nice and slow for each rep so as to get better benefits fro them.

NR's mostly would require a partner, but there are exercises that you can dop without a aprtner, 2 very good ones are the chins and dips, you can use a chair or bench to lift yourself up and then do the negative portion of it.

Hope this helps.

Fausto's advice is great (as usual). You will find that you can manage the w/o as it is during 15s but come the heavy 5s (and especially as your strength increases after a cycle or two) squats and deads in the same session will be pretty brutal. Some folks do it but a lot of us like to alternate as Fausto suggested.
agree with what the guys said..but instead of alternating ..rows/chins..i would just drop rows on the deadlifting day..put it back in on the squat day..good luck
Thanks for the help guys. I'm glad to have some guidance here. I think that I'll keep this set-up for the first week or two of 15's since I'm only doing 1 set. I'll probably split into A/B if it gets too heavy later during the 15's or if its too much volume in the 10's. Again, I can't tell you guys how thankful I am.

EDIT: Ok, I thought about it a little, and I'm going to go ahead and split. That way I'll be keeping the volume near constant.
Ok just got done with the first work-out. It seemed really short since it was only 30 minutes, but in a good way. I used to kind of rush through my workouts to get done in under an hour, but now I don't have to worry about that. Its pretty easy now, but I know it'll be hard at the end of next week. Its also nice to have a full body pump
Ok, sounds like you starting to get the hang of it!

That gives you teh extra time to really warm up properly! In the 15's there is not much to worry about in terms of warming up, except for shoulders, you should always get the rotator cuffs properly warmed up!

If you feel the rokout is a bit light slow down the cadence as you should feel a nice burn during the 15's, that is their entire purpose, to get joints oiled up and muscles flushed with lactic acid!