First time HST routine

big daddy shane

New Member
I'm thinking of starting a HST program, and I've done all the research and reading. Would this program be ok?

bench press
incline press
delt press
lateral raises
bent rows
leg press
hack squats
leg extensions
leg curls
calf raises
close grip bench

I'll do 1x15 for week one and two, 2x10 fro week three and four, and 2x5 for week five and six.

Also, what's better? HST or max-stimulation?
Imo, yes, its too many exercises.  You have a lot of redundancy and the general rule seems to be try to keep total exercises under 12, or perhaps as low as 8.

I would recommend you drop:
leg press
hack squat
leg extensions

and sub in either front squats or regular squats.  I personally like front squats best, but thats just my experience.

Secondly, I would drop the leg curls and just go with SLDL.

That would cut out about 4 exercises for you and let you focus on the bigger lifts.

Generally, I think the more you can stick to freeweights and more compound type exercises, the better.  

Re: max-stim vs. HST, check the general training forum as I posted the same question earlier and had some good feedback.   The recommendation seems to be do HST first, then try max-stim after that.

Hope that helps.
(big daddy shane @ Oct. 13 2006,07:20)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm  thinking of starting a HST program, and I've done all the research and reading. Would this program be ok?</div>
Welcome Shane. Hey, no disrespect meant but if you had in fact done all the research and reading on this site you wouldn't be asking if that list of 14 exercises was OK!  

So we can all offer more useful help please provide more info about yourself. How many years training? Height, bodyweight, current poundages for main compound lifts like squat, bench, deadlift, shoulder press?

And as Fausto says, read the Simplify and Win thread here.