First time question


New Member
Hi all

I've been looking through all the info and getting my head around everything HST

I think I've understood most of it. Just a couple of questions:

1) If I work out my 15/10/5RMs using a calculator, based upon my current RM for say 7x3, do I still need to 'test' them over a week to ensure they are correct, or can I skip this?

2) Do I need to take 9-12 days out for SD before starting this the first time, or just between cycles? Currently I'm doing a 3 day bodypart split, but have only been doing it for 2 weeks since I got back from holiday (I had around 4 weeks off completely during July/Aug). I'm struggling to meet my previous weights at the moment which makes me think after this time im pretty deconditioned anyway!

Thank you!
1) If I work out my 15/10/5RMs using a calculator, based upon my current RM for say 7x3, do I still need to 'test' them over a week to ensure they are correct, or can I skip this?

The 15/10/5 RM cycles are each based off what you can do with correct form to failure at the given rep range for a single set. You can guestimate each one if you like if you feel confident. You don't have to hit them spot on per say. You can use a rep max calculator to get a good idea if your not sure.

Since you just started from a significant layoff you can just go right into HST training and it will be fine. DO NOT take an SD between each 2 week block. Wait until after you complete the entire program and begin to "stall out" progression wise.

Hope this helps and good luck!