First week found max. 1 week off


New Member
Hi, I want to ask. If you found your 15 RM. During your week off before you're starting. Is it important you eat right? :P
And can I do cardio during the whole week?
Hi, I want to ask. If you found your 15 RM. During your week off before you're starting. Is it important you eat right? :P
And can I do cardio during the whole week?

I always try to eat right, no matter what my goals. Bulking - eat more good calories; cut - eat less good calories. If I eat poorly, I feel sluggish all around.

If you are doing an SD, I'd say do as little as possible in the way of physical activity. But if you really need to, some light cardio might be fine.
I have the problem that it's kinda hard to calculate the calories since I'm not cooking :S So I just try to eat as much as possible(of what is healthy). Is that a good way to go?

So it is ok to like... run 30 min on a treadmill? :)
I have the problem that it's kinda hard to calculate the calories since I'm not cooking :S So I just try to eat as much as possible(of what is healthy). Is that a good way to go?

So it is ok to like... run 30 min on a treadmill? :)

I hesitate to say definitively that this or that is good or bad because there are so many variables and what works for you might not work for me, and so on, etc. I'll just tell you what I'd do.

I'd have to find a way to track my calories. If I don't cook, but can (have the means), I'd start. I don't cook all day every day, but I prepare all my own food (95% of the time). I usually devote some time on Sundays to preparing as much food for the work week as I can. I cook 3 chicken breasts, 7 sweet potatoes, 3 fish fillets, and some sides and tupperware those items up into some quick on-the-go meals for my lunches Mon - Fri. I also organize my snacks like almonds, apples, baby carrots, protein bars, etc. and have them sitting ready for the week. That's how I keep up with it.

If I had no choice but to grab food on the go, I'd pick 'on the go' food that I can calculate calories for. Like, beef jerky, for example. The nutrition facts are on the package. Many restaurants publish nutrition facts about their menu items. Gather the info and plan your 'to go' food intake according to your caloric goals/needs.

Running 30 min on treadmill. I wouldn't do it. If I felt I had to, I'd make sure to keep my heartrate at or below 120bpm - keep the intensity low. I have 120bpm as a target because of my age and resting heartrate - yours might be higher or lower. And I'd probably only do 30 minutes total (30 minutes including warm up and cool down - 2 - 5 minutes each).

But that's just me. You might be totally different. I've learned a little what works for me through trial and error (many many errors). I know what makes me grow, thanks to HST - and that includes tracking my nutrition daily, eating above maintainance, utilizing progressive load, hitting each muscle every 48 hours or so, and resting my muscles as much as I can in between sessions.
It's just that I have a mom who dont want me to be near the kitchen :S

But i will try do something about that, thanks.

I have a last question. I read in the FAQ something about the "negatives" but I dont get if you should do them or not. At first, it seems(for me) you should do negatives on the last 2 week of the 5RM's. But then suddenly he says "I dont recommend them" :S

Once again, thanks.
It's just that I have a mom who dont want me to be near the kitchen :S

But i will try do something about that, thanks.

I have a last question. I read in the FAQ something about the "negatives" but I dont get if you should do them or not. At first, it seems(for me) you should do negatives on the last 2 week of the 5RM's. But then suddenly he says "I dont recommend them" :S

Once again, thanks.

Negatives are a bad idea if you train alone - you'll need a spotter. Drop sets would also be a strategy for the final 2 weeks, but a spotter is needed for that too. If you train alone, spend the final two weeks either continuing to push heavier in the 5 rep range or go for a lower rep series like 3 reps or 2 reps.
I dont train alone, so I guess I can do them? If they are best? :)
I just dont know. Should I start the 1th workout on the 5th week with negatives? But... I would have lowered the weight so I should be able to take it alone shouldn't I? Somebody can clarify this for me? :)
I dont train alone, so I guess I can do them? If they are best? :)
I just dont know. Should I start the 1th workout on the 5th week with negatives? But... I would have lowered the weight so I should be able to take it alone shouldn't I? Somebody can clarify this for me? :)

Wish I could help but I don't have any experience with negs at the end of the cycle. I have traditionally trained alone. Maybe some of the heavyweights on here will have some good tips for you. Best of luck!
I have the problem that it's kinda hard to calculate the calories since I'm not cooking :S So I just try to eat as much as possible(of what is healthy). Is that a good way to go?

So it is ok to like... run 30 min on a treadmill? :)
If you're under 25, it doesn't much matter what you eat, so long as you eat enough.

Treadmill on SD? You'd be better advised to sit around a lot and watch tv. Try to get people to bring you things. Don't lift anything heavier than the remote.
Wish I could help but I don't have any experience with negs at the end of the cycle. I have traditionally trained alone. Maybe some of the heavyweights on here will have some good tips for you. Best of luck!

I'm no heavyweight but here's what you could try for the heavy, post-5s weeks:

Negative Dips: pecs, ant. delts and tris.

Negative Chins: back, bis, forearms.

For both of these, load up a weight that would be around your 2RM. Use a platform/bench to get into the top position and lower under control. No need to go super-slowly; lowering in 2-3 seconds is fine.

Push press: delts, traps
Use some hip drive to help raise the bar and then lower under control.

(You can do unilateral work for arms should you want to do negs for bis and tris—use both arms to lift the load and lower with one.)

I don't recommend negatives for lower body movements; I think you can get plenty of mileage through clustering reps with heavier loads for squats and deads. Clustering just takes a bit more time.

As far as cardio during SD is concerned, I'd say go for it! There's nothing more frustrating than losing your hard-earned cardio fitness through sitting around on your rear end for a week. Your calves will get a good workout too but, as these are unlikely to be your focus for gains in size during an HST cycle, it's not something that you need worry about.