First week of 3x5, making changes in routine


New Member
I'm starting my first week of 3x5's today and was thinking about changing my routine to one of the following to cut down on volume. Which one would be best or wouldn't it matter?

Routine #1 (A,B alternating)
A. Squat
Flat bench
Overhead press
BB curls
Calf raise

B. Deadlift
BB Rows
Overhead Press
BB curls
Calf raise

Routine #2 (A,B alternating)
A. Squat
Flat bench
Overhead press
BB curl
Tricep dips
Calf raise

B. Deadlift
Flat bench
BB rows
Overhead press
BB curls
Tricep dips
Calf raise

One for question. Do the following weight increment increases look good?

Squat and Deadlift- 20 pounds
Bench- 10 pounds for routine #1, 5 pounds for #2
BB Row- 10 pounds
Overhead press- 5 pounds
Chin-ups- 5 pounds
Dips- 10 pounds for routine #1, 5 pounds for #2
Calf raise- 5 pounds
Personally I would prefer Routine #1 for more variety and fewer exercises. You might consider substituting Upright Rows (if you can tolerate them) in place of the Overhead Press on the “A” routine if your triceps are getting overworked. Also, I find that my Calf Raises can be incremented equal to or larger than my Dead Lifts. Otherwise what you are doing is pretty close to what I’m doing right now at the same point in my cycle.