first workout after sd


New Member
started my cut cycle today, barely could bench 165, 15 times today when my max from last cycle was 250 5 times! ahhhhh everything felt so hard to do, i SD'ed for 14 days, is that too long?
me too, but i did 115x15 today for bench and it felt more like 145 or 150

i too did a 14 day SD... people look at me really wierd when i (200lbs) load up 115 on the bench and bench it 15 times, then rack it.
I like coming in off an SD because I know I'm going to get any strength and size lost (if any) over the 2 weeks back by the end of the first 2 weeks. 15s are great mind muscle linkers too I feel.
You did a 14 day SD before a cut? No need to SD when going into a cutting cycle cnegotiator. I could see a few days off if you felt burned out and had some sore joints, but not 14 days.

Also, most people here seem to agree that when cutting it is better to avoid the 15's. You want to lift heavy to maintain muscle when cutting. Dropping 100 pounds from a lift is not going to help with that.

It's tough to cut and maintain strength. I started a thread about it because I HATE to cut. I would go straight into a week of 10's and then hit 5's again.
i really needed the 2 weeks off for the burn out, but also personal reasons. I never miss 15s because I have old sports injuries (haha listen to me, old sports injuries, i'm only 19 but im not playing ball in college) in my shoulder, wrists, knees, and lower back (i was a catcher). The next cut cycle I do i will only sd for 5 days orso like you suggested. Thank you.
If those light weights feel light then it means your SD worked.
You could also stay at true maintenance a tad through you sd and 15s and then start cutting when you get into your 10s and 5s. I saw totentaz post that a while back and I kind of like that idea. Seems like it would be less shock to your system.

i just did my first workout yesterday after a 11 day sd. felt great. I had two cycles of cutting and the sd replenished glycogen, making me look fuller again. looking forward to a nice bulk this cycle!

PS - be sure not to cut during sd or you will drop a lot of strength.