First workout of 15's...was it a workout?


New Member
I just completed my first workout of 15's and left the gym wondering whether it not I just had a workout. It just was lacking intensity a lot!

I really want this program to work but struggling to have faith in it.

Is the 15's weeks purely prep for the 10's & 5's???

Appriciate your help guys
If you've done your SD fully then you will get stimulus from your 15's, and if it's your first HST then everyone (the more experienced members) recommend the you do them (the full two weeks).

Personally, being so light I find my first week of 15's result in me lifting 4-8kgs on some exercises where I'm weak and I don't feel anything so I'm dropping 1 week of 15s and added 1 week of 3s after my 5s (I have trained for 2 years now off and on so I feel my CNS doesn't need as much prep as when new).
try increasing your TUT (time under tension) on the 15s. go nice and slow on the eccentric portion like 3/4 seconds and speed up as you get later in the reps and start to feel the burn. this has always worked for me and made even the early 15s feel real good. because of this, i've never ever felt that the 15s were too light. i actually find them the toughest part of HST to be honest

I totally agree with what Waray has said; slow down the reps initially, and you could find this the toughest part of the routine - especially, if, like me, your muscle fibres are more suitable for low rep heavy training.

Also, particularly as you get older, you will find the 2 wks of 15s as a great warm up for your joints prior to the heavier later rep ranges. I always do the full 2 wks for that very reason, and as such, have less tendon and joint issues than if I went straight into 10s and 5s (which I have tried a few times over the last few years)

Good luck
