Fix My Legs!!!


New Member
I'm 27 and have had this problem for just under ten years. The max weight I can do on my gym's quad extension machine is 30 lbs for about 15 reps! This has been the case for the last ten years. Before that I could do 300 pounds. The drop occured within about three months.

Within those same three months, I lost all flexibility in my hamstrings. If I were to do a hamstring curl with no weight, I can only lift my legs about 30 degrees of the ground!

I have done years of physical therapy and stretching to no avail. I have nod idea what could have caused the sudden change. I've had multiple MRI's and X-rays done on body from the back down.

Any suggestions?
Maybe you have some kind of viral infection? A friend of mine suffered a really weird affliction this year that turned out to be a viral attack that got into his spine around the 7th cervical vertebra. He lost all function in his biceps but his tris and brachialis were still ok. Many months later he is still on the road to recovery.
Wow lol its amazing the causes for some diseases.

I find it funny that doctors and the wonders of modern medicine can't tell you what's wrong, so you come on an internet forum to find the answer.

My answer: "Shut up and curl!!"

Just Kidding
Seriously though, try to find a specialist, like a myotherapist or even look into viruses etc. like lol suggested.

If that fails, visit Dr. House, he always finds the cause by the end of the episode.
Failing home applied Trigger point therapy, and maybe some Yamuna Body Rolling:-
Active Release Therapy might help; or it may be a mis-alignment in which case the Egoscue could "straighten you out" - ultimately a course of Rolfing...

Googl'm and see if they help.