Foggers first HST cycle, lets see the results!!!! :)


New Member
Hey everyone just wanted to start my own hst log to keep track of my progress and also receive opinions about my log and other aspects of exercise.

Just a brief history I have been doing weights for 3 and a half years and for the past 10 months I have done absolutely nothing. I am turning 21 in October so as a present to myself I am devoting my time back into my body. Surprisingly I haven’t lost much size or definition I believe this is to do with my age, work and diet. My main weaknesses in terms of muscle hypertrophy and strength are my back, legs and shoulders (I was doing split training prior to this and always neglected these body parts as I was naïve) I wanted to do this to prove to myself that I can make a big change with my life and I want to push myself in terms of training. I am 6ft and I am at the moment 77kg (170lb) my goal with this hst it to bulk and gain 3kg (6lb) by the end of my first cycle (I like to aim high as it gives me that extra motivation to push myself) I have taken the time to test my 15, 10 and 5RM and have been deconditioned for 7 days since and I cant wait any longer to start.

I will be doing M/W/F sessions and my first hst cycle is:

Sumo dead lift
Military press
Weighted crunch
Upright row
BB tricep extension
BB bicep curl
DB chest press

I have chosen these exercises as I believe it to be very compound based and all these exercise I have practiced time and time again so I will not sacrifice good form during my workouts.

I am taking multivitamins, fish oil and creatine. With creatine would it be more beneficial to have it before or after my workouts? I personally believe it shouldn’t matter as long as I take it daily. I have opted against protein powders as I have seen little results with me and also I have very easy access to protein throughout my meals. (I work in a chicken and seafood takeaway restaurant 6 days a week and only eat healthy) I am not calorie counting as I estimate how much I eat and also at this job I work a lot of hours about 65 per week and this requires a lot of movement throughout my day burning a big amount of calories

I train at home alone in my gym so for the last 2 weeks I will most likely do 2RM unless anyone else has a better idea, I am open to suggestions.

I will try to post my progress with HST weekly and add any changes to my log to make it really workable

Here it goes!!! :)
Looks good mate, although you might want to repost this in the training logs section. But that's up to you. As for creatine, it doesnt matter when you take it, just take it daily like you planned. Food is always better then supplements so thats a good choice. I take protein powder just out of convenience. If i could be bothered i'd remove it and just add more chicken breasts. But i like having a chocolate milkshake and gives me a reason to have milk everyday. I personally recommend calorie counting. You'll always get better results if you know exactly where you are rather then just making an educated guess that will differ from day to day.
Thanks wobbles I just re posted it there I'm still getting use to the site. It's good to hear that I am on the right path with my first hst cycle and I will probably start counting calories during my second cycle as now I just want to make sure I have my routines down perfect and also my time is very limited at the moment. I thought that was the case with creatine but it's good to be sure. Thanks mate.
No worries, well if your not going to count calories. Just make sure you EAT (perhaps more then needed to be safe). Just to be sure your getting everything you need. As if you dont eat enough, then your recovery will be swayed. Which means that your end results will be skewed. Good to see your on the HST bandwagon! Goodluck.