Following HST except squats


New Member
I can't squat very much. I was wondering if I could do all my other exercises as stated by HST except for my squats. Instead, I would do 3x5 for squats (using as much weight as I could with perfect form) and everytime I can do 3x5 with perfect form, I increase the weight 10lb (like rippetoe's). How would this affect my overall results with HST if I did squats my way vs the HST way?
I think you would be better off doing squats as part of HST. You will get more practice with the form, which if you cannot squat a lot it is likely due to a lack of neural adaptations in conjunction with a lack of sufficient muscle cross sectional area. So you should basically just squat more. Do 2 sets during the 15s, 3 sets during the 10s and 3 sets during the 5s. Always use perfect form and focus on that each time. As long as you are actually pushing yourself to do all the sets, I would expect to see a hefty increase in your RMs on squats as your body will become very accustomed to doing squats - as long as you are actually focusing hard on them each workout session.
Yup, the squat is one of the most rewarding of all physical exercises. It ranks right up there with the deadlift. It will work out nearly every muscle in your body.

So, yeah, it takes a bit of time to master the form and to develop some strength. Rather than bail out on squats, make a point of working on them. Start very light, increment your load slowly, and allow yourself to be delighted with the results.
I'm embarrassed to say I never squatted in my life until about 8 weeks ago and it's increased a hundred pounds already (130>230). Can't say I look forward to doing them, but I have a sense of satisfaction afterwards.