Age old debate, I know. Rippetoe hates machines, says most isolations are useless.
Brian's sample routine has a mix of all. What are folks' opinions here regarding
1. Free weight compounds
2. Machine compounds (on good stuff like Hammer, et al)
3. Machine isolations (ditto, on good stuff)
in regards to
A. Hypertrophy
B. Joint friendliness, mainly for us older guys and gals
of course in the context of setting up your HST cycle.
For me, I have found some of the SS exercises (big 5 and chins) to be extremely picky regarding perfect form for an individual, and even then injuries happen. E.g. hurt my hip doing squats, getting wrist pain with fully supinated chins. Obviously, some machines are awful on some joints too, but assuming some common sense in usage here.
I strongly recommend Bill de Simone's books on Moment Arm and Congruent Exercise, great stuff.
Regarding hypertrophy, IMHO a specific muscle does not care about the context, all that matters is the load it receives. But all 30 or so possible isolation exercises (rotator cuff, shins, neck, etc) 3 times a week is a bit much
Hence the once a week body part splits of most "bros". So practically, that is why we use mostly compounds in a cycle.
All thoughts appreciated.
Brian's sample routine has a mix of all. What are folks' opinions here regarding
1. Free weight compounds
2. Machine compounds (on good stuff like Hammer, et al)
3. Machine isolations (ditto, on good stuff)
in regards to
A. Hypertrophy
B. Joint friendliness, mainly for us older guys and gals
of course in the context of setting up your HST cycle.
For me, I have found some of the SS exercises (big 5 and chins) to be extremely picky regarding perfect form for an individual, and even then injuries happen. E.g. hurt my hip doing squats, getting wrist pain with fully supinated chins. Obviously, some machines are awful on some joints too, but assuming some common sense in usage here.
I strongly recommend Bill de Simone's books on Moment Arm and Congruent Exercise, great stuff.
Regarding hypertrophy, IMHO a specific muscle does not care about the context, all that matters is the load it receives. But all 30 or so possible isolation exercises (rotator cuff, shins, neck, etc) 3 times a week is a bit much

All thoughts appreciated.