From Fat Loss to the Next Phase


New Member
Hi everyone.
Actually I'm involved in a rapid fat loss program. Due little problems to my knees I cannot do properly aerobic work, so I've aimed on heavy weights for saving muscles and strong calorie plus carbs reduction for 5 days. In the week-end I do 2 days of refeeding at calorie maintenance, or slightly above, with a high carbs diet.

I WO 4/5 days week with an A/B abbreviate routine which involves all the body; weights are all about at 4-6RM. WO after WO I keep constant the number of reps and I increase a little the lifted weight, or I keep constant the weight and I increase reps of 1 or 2 in each exercise.

This program works very well, but now I'm wondering how I can diversify my program for link it to the next mass gaining phase. I'm already near to my limits with the weights, and in the next phase to have constant grown stimulus I should increase hugely the number of reps. Pherhaps a cycle of 3-4 weeks of active SD using light weights, at calorie maintenance, may be good? I'm scary to loose muscolar mass and/or to gain fat during this period. For me it will be perfect to stop my fat loss program to start immediately a gaining mass phase arising at the same time calorie (slowly).

Any advice will be appreciate. Many thanks in advance!  