Full Body or A/B-split for the 5's?


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm new here and have a question regarding my first HST cycle:

I'm currently in the 2nd week of the 10's, and it's getting hard to complete the whole workout. I did 1 set in the 15's, currently do 2 sets of 10's, and want to to 3 sets of 5's starting next week.

Here's my plan:

Deadlift/Squat (alternating)
Leg extension/Leg Curls (alternating)
Bench Press
T-bar Rows
Lat Pulldown
Military Press
Barbell Curls

Since the program is getting harder and harder, I'm thinking about splitting in up beginning with the 5's. Mainly because I feel like once the weights continue to be heavier and heavier, I won't be able to give my best on military press after I did some heavy bench pressing.

Whats your opinion and what could the A/B-split look like? Or would it be stupid because the frequency will be cut in half when I split the workout...

Your plan looks solid. I would just stretch out the 5s to four weeks or else just cut away some of the increments for each lift to make it fit into two weeks.
Thx. After thinking about it I dont like cutting the volume in half by splitting the plan up. I'll train for two weeks of 5's until I reach my 5RM and hopefully will be able to complete 3 sets with it. After that I planned on adding 2 more weeks of 5's, where I try to increase the weight beyond my 5RM, try to do 3 sets, and decrease to two sets and even one set in the end (or cluster the repetitions, i.e. doing 5x3 reps instead of 3x5 to keep the volume steady).

edit: also I will leave out leg extensions/curls, and dips/bicep curls when the weight gets heavy in the 5's.
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Hi Rizzo,

As you have already noted, cutting out the iso movements, and just concentrating on the compounds will reduce the size of your workout, and make it more manageable into the 5's.

Personally, I love dips - so I would alternate dips with benches, and I would seperate back work, (to alternate between pushing and pulling movements, to help manage fatigue) as I have noted below, but otherwise you seem on the right track..

Military Press

Good luck
