Gained size but gained BIG gut!


New Member
Hi fellas,

Been doing HST for a while my gains have been pretty good however i must have been eating too much as i have developed a rather large gut!

After my last cycle I will start again from scratch but this time I will want to put heavier emphasis on weight loss specifically removing fat from my gut...........

at the moment I am 224 lbs with a fat % of about 25/26% if the machine in the gym is anything to beleive.

Now I would like to drop about 5-10% bf before the summer which translates to about 14- 28 lbs of that possible?

Am I best sticking to my 200 gms protein a day and then like 20% carbs 20% fats?

I have started doing HIIT as have heard this is very good for shifting adipose tissue, but seems like one of those too good to be true scenarios!

Has anyone got any personal experiences of shifting troublesome fat, i'm deffo a endomorph so any endos out there with pearls of wisdom holler!

It would be a shame to lose the size I have gained but i need to lose my gut its really getting me down now...

Loose 1 to 2 pounds per week for 14 weeks. That's about three months. Plenty of time by summer. Put together a good diet and up the cardio so you're 500 to 1000 calories under per day.
Thanks for the quick response guys I have started calorie counting I am my BMR is about 2200 calories a day now:
Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)
Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)
Mod. active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)
Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)
Extr. active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.)
now I guess i'm between light and moderate so 1.4 x 2200 is about 3000 i'm eating no more than 2000 - 2500 cals a day at 3500 cals a pound should be a pound a week right?
(187 @ Jan. 17 2007,10:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hi fellas,

Been doing HST for a while my gains have been pretty good however i must have been eating too much as i have developed a rather large gut!

After my last cycle I will start again from scratch but this time I will want to put heavier emphasis on weight loss specifically removing fat from my gut...........

at the moment I am 224 lbs with a fat % of about 25/26% if the machine in the gym is anything to beleive.

Now I would like to drop about 5-10% bf before the summer which translates to about 14- 28 lbs of that possible?

Am I best sticking to my 200 gms protein a day and then like 20% carbs 20% fats?

I have started doing HIIT as have heard this is very good for shifting adipose tissue, but seems like one of those too good to be true scenarios!

Has anyone got any personal experiences of shifting troublesome fat, i'm deffo a endomorph so any endos out there with pearls of wisdom holler!

It would be a shame to lose the size I have gained but i need to lose my gut its really getting me down now...

You really believe you can shift fat ?

Here's how losing fat works: You lose fat FIRST on the bodyparts where you store it LAST. You lose fat LAST on the bodyparts where you store it FIRST. In most cases this means that you lose it first on your arms, and last on your waist. When you think about how your body tries to maintain homeostasis, this makes sense.

I wouldn't worry about 20% of this or 20% of that. Make sure you get at least 1 gram of protein per lb of bodyweight, and work out how many cals you need for maintenance, then start subtracting. Search old threads--calorie counting is a popular subject on this board. Your goal to lose 14 lbs of fat is definitely possible...28 lbs of fat...well, you can get close, but losing that much by summer depends on how much fat you have at the moment, so start NOW. You have no time to waste. You wait much longer and you will definitely have to lose muscle to drop that 28 lbs.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Here's how losing fat works: You lose fat FIRST on the bodyparts where you store it LAST. You lose fat LAST on the bodyparts where you store it FIRST. In most cases this means that you lose it first on your arms, and last on your waist. When you think about how your body tries to maintain homeostasis, this makes sense. </div>

Yep. Referred to commonly as LIFO for Last In, First Out.

Slow weight loss, good amount of protein, plenty of exercise, no crash diet fads, etc. That seems to be the recipe for max fat loss/muscle preservation.
(stevejones @ Jan. 17 2007,16:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Here's how losing fat works:  You lose fat FIRST on the bodyparts where you store it LAST.  You lose fat LAST on the bodyparts where you store it FIRST.  In most cases this means that you lose it first on your arms, and last on your waist.  When you think about how your body tries to maintain homeostasis, this makes sense.</div>
Yeah, that's true. I may be one of the 'lucky' ones but my fat tends to build up pretty evenly all over. There is a slight extra build up around my gut and above my hips so I am expecting that will be the last (and most difficult) area to lean up. As I add fat I get a layer over my calves and forearms too. My old training partner got very little on his forearms and calves but mainly on his waist area. Fat deposition and distribution is a genetic thing but the LIFO principle still holds true in both cases.
Not that I don't agree with everyone advice her so far b/c I do.

Normally its easier to count calories and eat below maintenance as well as working out will take the weight off.

However you can go over to lyles board and he has a extreme measure that will cut fat off in a very fast time frame....if you are die hard enough and really want to do it you could run 2 cycles of his extreme protein only diet between now and summer.

Just and idea...
Yeah, that's the PSMF. I wouldn't recommend it for a natural, personally, but if you aren't carrying tons of lean mass, you probably don't have to worry about losing a whole lot of muscle on one of them. Keep in mind that a PSMF is probably more arduous than just counting calories, because it is a pain to figure out which foods are okay. Also, you still have to count grams of protein on a PSMF to make sure you get enough.
Thanks Tot, for clearing that up!

I don't know to much about PSMF...but I have discover Lyles board after Tot and other recommended...I finally signed up and got my ass over there....very good stuff!

Honestly...between HST, Lyles Board and Dans board you can cover 90% of all your needs IMO.
ON a side not.

To find our your calories....dont most people use there body weight x 11 or 12.

So for me that would be 188 pounds x 12 = 2256 calories a day for maintenance...then I would subract 500 calories to lose weigth?

Thanks for the responses guys I really appreciate it I'm not sure where's lyles boards is but I will check it out. I am desperate to lose this weight now so I might just try the protein only diet. Joe thats one way of working out maintenance calories bit doesn't take into account how fat you are. If you can work out your bmr theat is supposed to be more accurate but there never a million miles away from each other.

Anybody got reccomendations for Cardio work? I have started this HIIT coz normalcardio work after a while your body enters a &quot;steady state&quot; where as HIIT mixes it up and your body never gets a chance to settle. A bit like HST I suppose!
(187 @ Jan. 18 2007,05:10)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Thanks for the responses guys I really appreciate it I'm not sure where's lyles boards is but I will check it out. I am desperate to lose this weight now so I might just try the protein only diet. Joe thats one way of working out maintenance calories bit doesn't take into account how fat you are. If you can work out your bmr theat is supposed to be more accurate but there never a million miles away from each other.

Anybody got reccomendations for Cardio work? I have started this HIIT coz normalcardio work after a while your body enters a &quot;steady state&quot; where as HIIT mixes it up and your body never gets a chance to settle. A bit like HST I suppose!</div>
This is the formula I used the last time I got down to 5% ---  ---ignore EVERYTHING on that site except how to calculate your BMR, then subtract 500..monitor your weekly losses and if you don't lose any in a week then subtract 500 more, etc. etc.

I did HIIT cardio on a stationary bike 3 times per week and regular 30 min. heart rate between 120 &amp; 150 cardio every day.  If your body freaks out and can't manage all the work on low cals then replace squats and deadlifts with leg presses and seated cable rows or something.   You have to monitor your own body and make necessary changes particular to you.
Hey Steve, I did that, and it put me at about 2100 to 2200 calories per day. That is the range I have been eating in, and I lost 2 lbs. per week for the first two weeks. So let me say, that method is pretty darn good!

For me, that works out to 13.6 calories per pound of body weight, or 30 calories per kg of body weight, which is right in the guidlines of other souces' recomendations for cutting.