Gained too much in the waistline


New Member
Been bulking for 2 cycles. Got some decent size gains all around but my stomach has gotten alot bigger also. I want to be a little bigger all around but I can't take it no more with this gut. I can barely wear my jeans now.

Should I cut now and rebulk later on with a cleaner diet to minimize stomach gains, if so what is some food for clean bulking?


Suck it up and keep bulking till the size I want and cut later?
I think you should clean up your diet with lean meats like chicken and fish and slow digesting carbs like brown rice and whole grain oatmeal. These foods have always been good to us. Next I would start sprinting up hills. This will build your legs, especially hams and glutes, and cut you up at the same time. You will lose some size but done properly it will be mostly fat.

There are ways to gain size and keep a decent midsection at the same time. I suggest you google "calorie cycling", "carb cycling", and "intermittent fasting." Also try "g-flux precision nutrition." These techniques will you help you on your path to diesel-hood.

Would this be a good way to judge my cutting process?

5rms stay about the same or only slight decrease
Overall, my body will shrink, but maintaining the strength is key
Control your caloric deficit so it isn't too low. Make sure your protein is high. Keep lifting, and if volume feels too much, reduce it.

To figure out your muscle to fat loss ratio, buy a body fat caliper and start measuring your body fat % once every week (take 3 measurements on the day you measure and find the average), preferably before you eat breakfast so your weight will be as steady as possible (though weight does fluctuate).

Watch your sodium content too, as excess sodium creates water retention. But then again, you're going to need a fair bit of sodium in your diet if you're going to be lifting and doing hill sprints/HIIT/whatever intensive cardio.