gaining muscle AND fat/HST...


New Member
So am I not doing something right or should I cut back on eating. I'm not eating that much but I feel my shirts tighter in the shoulders AND in the gut. What's up with that? And is there a topic or place I can go for a list of foods that will not make me fat but let me eat anytime I want???
Thanks,Rob the new newbie...
You are a gluttonous pig. [ joke ]
The only food you can eat a ton of and not get alot of calories are...low calorie foods. Try salads and raw veggies. You can eat a giant bowl without much calories. (no dressing though!) Nobody ever said staying lean was easy.
(scientific muscle @ Mar. 04 2007,19:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You are a gluttonous pig. [ joke ]
The only food you can eat a ton of and not get alot of calories are...low calorie foods.  Try salads and raw veggies.  You can eat a giant bowl without much calories. (no dressing though!)  Nobody ever said staying lean was easy.
I hear ya man but their has to be something besides veggies...please...there has to be...
Quad ,
I checked out the Paleo diet , it was very interesting , lot's of stuff I never knew.Thanks for pointing it out.
John Berardi has a nice list of stuff:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The bottom line is that diet isn't that hard. When you feed the body wholesome foods, the appetite regulates itself and you don't have to monitor very much. However, by harnessing the powers of good food selection and smart calorie counting, weight loss comes easy! Here are some basic rules for how to improve your eating habits:

• Get used to the taste of food without dressings, sweeteners, etc. Ultimately you'll grow to like the natural taste of foods you once though tasted bland.
• Try to eat more like a true vegetarian (i.e. the bulk of the diet should come from fruits, veggies, unprocessed and unbleached food). But don't get me wrong; I don't want you swearing off meat.

&quot;Supplement&quot; your unprocessed vegetarian-like diet with the high-protein foods discussed above.

• Add unheated healthy oils to your foods.
• Drink only calorie-free beverages (green tea, water, etc.).
• Unfortunately the worst foods usually are the most convenient and the most processed foods. Avoid eating for convenience alone.
• Avoid any easy-to-prepare breakfast foods (waffles, french toast, etc) as they're loaded with fattening trans-fatty acids.
• Avoid products containing the ingredients or words &quot;partially hydrogenated,&quot; &quot;high fructose corn syrup,&quot; etc.
• Avoid fast/fried food.
• Avoid foods or meals that are high in both fat and carbohydrate.

In addition to these rules, here's the list of food choices that I give to many of my clients.
These foods should make up about 80% of your daily diet and, as indicated above, you should be eating many of these foods each day, not simply picking one or two selections to eat all the time.

• Fish: Salmon, Tuna, Cod
• Eggs
• Chicken breasts
• Cottage cheese
• Milk protein isolates
• Whey-casein blends
• Lean Red Meat

• Vegetables
• Mixed beans
• Low-GI fruits
• Oatmeal/Oat bran
• Mixed-grain bread
• Small amounts of protein-enriched pasta

• Flax oil
• Olive oil
• Mixed nuts (no peanuts)
• Fish oil

For active individuals, the other 20% of your daily calories should come from the following sources (in order to enhance your recovery from intense exercise). The liquid meal should come during and after exercise while the second high-carb meal should come about 1-2 hours later.

Liquid meal (during exercise and immediately post exercise):

• Protein: Whey hydrosylates/Isolates
• Carbohydrates: High-GI liquid, Glucose (dextrose), Maltodextrin
Solid meal (2 hours post exercise):
• Protein: Plain yogurt
• Carbohydrate: High GI, solid-fiber cereal

In addition, here's the other list that I give to my clients. These are foods to avoid at all costs:


• Fatty meats
• Fatty dairy
• Most lunch meat
• Large amounts of milk
• Large amounts of soy


• Regular bread
• Added sugar
• Most cereals
• Soda
• Fruit juice
• Bagels
• Fruit bars
• Candy


• Margarine
• Vegetable oil
• Corn oil
• Heated/fried oil

In conclusion, food selection is one of the more important determinants of your body composition. Using the rules above, you can make your fat loss quest much easier than you ever imagined!

There, that should help, copy and paste it for yourself it is a fairly good guideline.
(Morgoth the Dark Enemy @ Mar. 05 2007,03:23)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Umm, to the OP:what is your goal?Bulk, cut, maintain etc.?</div>
more muscle and a little less fat...
(suprarob @ Mar. 04 2007,19:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So am I not doing something right or should I cut back on eating. I'm not eating that much but I feel my shirts tighter in the shoulders AND in the gut.  What's up with that? And is there a topic or place I can go for a list of foods that will not make me fat but let me eat anytime I want???
Thanks,Rob the new newbie...</div>
Generally, the only foods that you can eat whenever you want and as much as you want are low calorie foods.  I suggest you develop a taste for foods that taste like ass rice cakes...vegetables....etc.
More muscle less fat doesn`t quite work out in the real world.It`s more like a more muscle a little(somewhat) more fat, less fat, a little(somewhat) more muscle than was before the trip started. And on and on it goes till you`ve achieved your goals.

Now, if we start talking about some serious &quot;partitioning agents&quot;, like test...umm, that`s something else entirely.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You mean popcorn and beef jerky ain't gonna do it?</div>

I find both of those work great for a cut. Jerky is a great lean source of protein. The popcorn works great to help you feel full. A bag of the 100 calorie popcorn instead of chips works great to help you feel full. A lot of food for only 100 calories. Another trick I use is to top off a meal or snack with a couple cups of popcorn and a half cup of sugar free jello. That combination is only 50 calories and when added to your snack is a great way to feel full.

Hey, I was just joking, but you're right if you have a problem with it. When I cut down calories, I'm acclimated after about a few days to it, but I don't cut very often, or very fast.
Studying the protein/fat diets (ketogenic varieties), they all seem to claim that you feel fuller. I'd think that would be a great way to feel full and lose weight. Next big job, I'm going TKD.
If you are gaining too much fat on a bulk, then eat a little less. Are you counting calories? You should be, because otherwise there is no way to tell why you are gaining too much. If you count calories, then you'll know how much to cut back and where, in order to stop gaining so much fat along with the muscle.