gaining size


Active Member
Guys I know that you need to take in more calories than you burn to gain muscle ...also you need to burn more than you take in to cut....what about if you are say already a little heavy.

For instance this past winter I was at around 15% of course I want to hit the weights hard in winter to gain some size...but I dont want to bulk b/c at 15 % you are already what do you do as far as nutrition goes....maybe stay at maintenance?
how is your current diet looking like Joe?

You might also consider keeping the cals like 200 above maintenance, but change the proportions, meaning increase protein and good fats (see o&g), and decrease the carbs.
Or you could cut for a while during the summer and then try again to bulk up as clean as possible. It is all a matter of how you see yourself and what your goals are. I like to stay relatively lean all of the time, so there are no great differences in bodyfat percentage levels during "bulking" or "cutting" cycles.

I would suggest that you find a good starting point first(cutting for a while until you are comfortable with your bf percentage) and then work up from there.
It's all about calories as you said. If you eat at maintenance, you're just going to stay right where you are. Eat below, you'll lose weight, above you'll gain weight. You wanna bulk with minimal fat gain? Don't eat very high over maintenance. You'll gain small amounts of weight and it will probably be pretty clean gains.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Lance @ July 15 2005,2:38)]It's all about calories as you said. If you eat at maintenance, you're just going to stay right where you are. Eat below, you'll lose weight, above you'll gain weight. You wanna bulk with minimal fat gain? Don't eat very high over maintenance. You'll gain small amounts of weight and it will probably be pretty clean gains.
OK forgive for not understanding..but I just got confused.

So lets say a guys weights 200 pounds and he is 15 % bodyfat...and he just eats maintenance and works out religously for the next he going to add muscle by doing this..b/c he is already heavy at 15%....or is he just staying the same at 15 %:confused:

I was thinking if you have some fat on you you have room to grow into and add some size...but the way I am seeing it now is that if you are a bit heavy at say 15% and you just start eating maintenace well then you are not going to lose weight nor are you going to gain this correct?

If so I guess everyone should cut down to as low as they can go and then add calories....???.

Also I guess if you are just eating maintenance or slightly above that in calories but are not getting sufficient protein...then you still want make gains???

Sorry but I am way confused now? :confused:
If you at 200lbs and 15% bodyfat, working out religiously and eating at maintenance, you will likely lose fat because working out will drive up your maintenance to slightly higher than what you are eating. I suppose it's possible you may gain a little bit of lean mass at the same time, but I don't think it would be very much. Also the fat loss would likely be pretty slow.