Gains during 15´s ??


New Member
I havent seen much gains than 2 `pounds (in the first 2 weeks with the 15´s). and from those 2 pounds 1 must be fat and the other muscle. i wonder if ppl here with experience at hst can tell me when to expect more gains....
I was going to do the classic 15,10 and 5, but my trip got cancelled so my cycle will be 15, 10,8,5.
Im thin and tall 6´4", and my weight is low , 187 pounds or 85 kg. allways had rough times to gain weight
also the diet is being great, i have a lot of carbs and a lot of proteins(200g day), also eating 3 portions of fruits daily and 5 portions of veggies. the fats comes mainly from healthy foods like olive oil, avocadoes and some almonds al walnuts
Also i drink a during workout recovery drink and a post workout recovery drink.
any comment is preciated, peace
15's are used so you dont get joint problems. I usually see results in the 5's then again in the next 15's.... the first session doesnt seem to give me results til the end though
I gained 1.5 kg / 3.3 lbs. But this is probably attributable to muscle memory. I think after beginner gains you can only gain around .1 kg/.22 lbs of muscle per week.