General advice on HST Program


New Member
Hi there!

I'm really interesting in trying HST AFTER completing my rippetoe starting strength (have another two months left). 3x5.

I figured that a hypertrophy specific would follow well after a strength/hypertrophy program.

Here is my selection:

Squats 2x
Deadlift 1x

Bench 2x
Dips 1x

Chins 2x
Rows 2x

Shrugs 1x

OH Press 1x
Lat Raise 1x
Rear Raise 1x

Barbell Curl 2x

Behind the neck ext 2x

Calf Raise 2x

Crunches 2x

Is this right? or have i done the programming wrong? I have lifted awile but dont want to mess this program up! Also would the 15, 10, 5 be optimum ? I was thinking of doing 2-3 cycles of this.

- Stats, 18 months lifting consistently, 195lb, 15%BF 5.9

Thanks in advance for all help, please point out if i have done anything stupid!