General Routine Question

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Greetings Folks,

I came across your site and I have decided to give HST a try.
I have been weight training off and on for about 16 years.

Now one major question I have as I can not do squats due to bad knees (I tore MCL and ACL on both knees still waiting for surgery). Doctor also says I should stay away from squats and leg extensions permanently. I can do the leg press, calves and leg curl lightly.

My other question.
Can you alternate exercises each body part? will it have the same effect? Is it recommended?

Example for chest:
Monday: Flyes, Straight Bench
Weds: Incline, decline
Fri: Flyes, Straight

And so on..

Because my routine now is basically your standard splits etc.

Thanks in advance
Welcome Deswal

You can do as you indicate and also alternate exercise p/body part, but this will complicate your program a wee bit.

The best approach IMO is to Simplify things down to your essential 5 to 6 exercises, mainly compounds and one or two isolations for arms if you insist on having them, most do, some don't.
Ask your doctor about this: many of us have found that it is a myth about ATG squats being bad for the knees; the reverse is actually true, that parallell squats are hard on the knees. Since I began doing ATG, I've completely quit using knee wraps and my joint pains are gone - and I'm going for an alltime PR today. Of course, I don't have a torn anything.
What I'm wondering is if he'll let you start out with ATG bodyweight squats...low reps at first, cautiously upping the reps to 15 as you progress, then adding some weight and doing a slow road to recovery. (over maybe 6-12 months)
I could see you rehabilitating them with this awesome exersize.
(quadancer @ Feb. 06 2007,08:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ask your doctor about this: many of us have found that it is a myth about ATG squats being bad for the knees; the reverse is actually true, that parallell squats are hard on the knees. Since I began doing ATG, I've completely quit using knee wraps and my joint pains are gone - and I'm going for an alltime PR today. Of course, I don't have a torn anything.
What I'm wondering is if he'll let you start out with ATG bodyweight squats...low reps at first, cautiously upping the reps to 15 as you progress, then adding some weight and doing a slow road to recovery. (over maybe 6-12 months)
I could see you rehabilitating them with this awesome exersize.</div>
Interesting I will ask them about that.

Thanks for the advice. For now I will stay away from them and just to the press, curls and calves.

As time progresses and after the surgery who knows maybe I will be able to do them.

Believe me this type of injury really messes everything up.

Just to give you an example They even told me that the recovery time will be about 12 months given I have surgery with in the 12 month period. I just past month 2 now and I am just started to be able to go up and down stairs.

Thanks again
Sorry, I missed that part about surgery; you're really messed up there. As for chest, we've all found that dips alternated w/ inclines seem to do best. You CAN do both 3x week, but if you like, use your wed. as an alternate to them with flyes and your bench or palms-facing d/b presses.
Mind you, it's just a suggestion. We all have to find what works best with our particular physiology over time. One thing that's been discussed is the 'confusion' principle as being ineffective, so you don't want to scatter your efforts too much.
Ok next question.

Is it recommended to change the routines for each cycle.
So the routine doesn't 'plateau'.

Or is there a recommended length of time to change your routine?
Here in the Southern USA we like to say &quot;If it works; don't fix it.&quot;

As long as you're making gains, why jump ship? I went about seven cycles before hitting something else for a cycle.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;If it works; don't fix it.&quot;</div>

We use it in South Africa too!

Funny how some people get bored so quickly.