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Ok I have been procrastinating long enough. Time to shake off the cobwebs, re-evaluate and get back into this

Flat Bench
PEndlay Row
DB Military
Deadlifts really lightly better than none at all (can't do squats due to knee injury can't hold balance on the way down).
Preacher Curls
TRi Extensions

What I normally do is just try to perform 25 clustered reps no matter what rep range I am in

Example if I can do the 25 reps without resting I just do it I throw in max-stim also depending on the exercise.

Off days 10 mins tabata bout fasted first thing in the morning on an exercise bike need to stregthen my knees again physio therapist says bike is the best thing.

Question 1: should I use progression? or just the 10rm/5RM every workout?

2100 cals/day (500cals under maintenance)
Mostly protein, various foods gonna try to be as clean as possible.
Supplements: Low carb protein shakes, Multivitamin, EFA and CLA

weight 230lb
Body fat 16.3 ( 7 site caliper )

Goal Min 210 - 220lb body fat 10% by June 1st

Question 2: Is this Possible? or am I dreaming in technicolor?

My main goal is to cut off the fat and maintain as much of the muscle as possible.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Question 1: should I use progression? or just the 10rm/5RM every workout?</div>

Why wouldn't you use progression? Build up to your RM's and use another day to push them further.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Supplements: Low carb protein shakes, Multivitamin, EFA and CLA</div>

What brands and dosage of EFA/CLA are you taking?

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Goal Min 210 - 220lb body fat 10% by June 1st

Question 2: Is this Possible? or am I dreaming in technicolor?</div>

Depending on whether your bf% readings are accurate or not, I think your goal is possible. You have one week shy of five months to pull it off. Both you and I have the same goal, my road to 10% ends at May 31st, but I am a bit ahead of you. I started my cut back in September at a bodyfat% somewhere around yours. However, I was only slow cutting most of that time, so I lost time. You need to lose 1.2% in bf% each month. I think you can do it if you put your mind and body to it!
No need for 15s if you are going to start cutting. Your loads at the start of 10s will be fine to kick off with (and probably a bit less than your 15RM if you have any zig-zag in your schedule).

If you aim to lose around 1lb a week you should be able to drop 20lbs by 1st June without losing much lean mass by which time you should not be too far from 10% bf, according to your present level.

I would just do one cycle, but that's me. I'd probably do something like this:

2 x weeks of 10s to get back into lifting followed by,

18 weeks of 10s/5s, something like this:

Monday full body w/o of 10s using around 5 exercises for 2 sets each
Wednesday Upper body w/o of 5s using around 3 exercises
Friday Lower body 5s w/o of 5s using around 3 exercises

That means you are hitting all muscle groups about twice a week and at least once with heavy weights. For more variety you could do full body on Wednesday and Friday too but choose some exercises to alternate.

I found that getting used to lower carbs made full body w/os with heavy weights pretty tough so doing a split might keep you feeling positive about the whole experience. Having a lighter day on Mondays can help keep you fresh too. Just be sure that you don't miss the heavy days as these will be key to retaining as much lean mass as possible. I wouldn't push for as many reps during the cut either; 25 reps with heavy weights will be awfully draining. 15 should do the job just fine. For deads, even 15 reps will likely be too much with your heaviest loads - see how you get on.

Of course there are a million ways you could do this but I thought I'd throw this one your way as there might be some ideas here that you like.

Most importantly, if you want to retain lean body mass, be sure you are hitting each body part with a heavy load at least once a week.
Thanks guys...

I never really stopped lifting. I have just been bulking for the last few months and I noticed that I don't like looking and my love handles...:D

Lol I will keep your idea in mind...
And perhaps implement it.

I did some calculating and come up with this figures, according to Berardi's e-book:


RMR - Resting Metabolic Rate
MET - Metabolic equivalent, is simply a way of expressing the rate of energy expenditure from a given physical activity.

Body weight 103.5 Kg
Fat mass 16.87 Kg (according to the % you gave)
Lean mass 86.6295 Kg
RMR 2405.85 Kcal

Cost of Exercise Activity (Kcal)

Level of activity ratio = 1.5 (assumed - median)

RMR x level of activity 3608.77 Kcal

Exercise Expenditure for weights = 6 MET X bodyweight (kg) x 1 hours

EEW 621.00 Kcal

Exercise Expenditure for cardio = 3 METS X 103.5 kg x .5 hours
EEC 155.25 Kcal

Thermic effect of food (moderate to heavy protein) = x 0.1 - 0.12
TEF 240.58 Kcal

Revised RMR

4625.61 Kcal

He then recommends:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;Since this is technically just your maintenance level, how can you get bigger by eating this amount? Wouldn't you need more?&quot; The answer is simple. Since I train only four days per week this diet would meet my needs on those four days. But on my three off days per week I'd be in positive calorie balance by about 1,000 calories per day! (That extra thousand calories isn't being used when training, in other words.) This adds up to a surplus of 3,000 calories per week. And this is where the growth happens!</div>

Either way, your initial calculation is on target at 2100 from 2646.43 Kcals calculated, however you may want to add some of the above extra's lest you feel a little &quot;pooped&quot;, I'd say at least the EEW, EEC and TEF, leaving you at 3116.83 and maybe more energetic while cutting.

Lol has some excellent points too, best medicine for cutting is to try and stay on 5's or at least 8's and pushing as heavy as one can bear without failure that is!