Getting back into serious training


Active Member
Hey guys,

I haven't posted in a while, anyway I have been hitting the gym on average of 1 or twice a week for about the past year now.

When I am in the gym I do a fullbody workout with a target rep range of anywhere between 24 to 50 total reps per bodypart depending upon how heavy or light I am training.

Long story short I am going to get back into hitting the gym at least 3 times a week and shooting for 4 times a week.

I am torn on doing a standard HST full body routine of Monday,Wednesday,Friday with 2 sets of 15's.3 sets of 10's,4 sets of 5 reps.


Upper/ lower split over 4 days of training.

Im looking opinions on what the forum thinks.

My personal opinion is full body is more fun and easier to keep up with and NOT mess up.

However upper / lower allows a litttle more work per muscle group.

Stats right now are 16+ years of lifting expierence.
I am not getting the right amount of protein per day ( IM just being honest :-)

And Lifting at this stage in my life is NOT and obsession anymore but more so to be physcially fit and strong and actually look it.

Opinions needed and wanted!!!

Hi Joe,

Nice to see you around here again/still. I dont post much, but do try and read on here every week or so. Keeps me in touch with new stuff. I'm currently trying Intermittent Fasting - which I really like - which I wouldn't have found, if I hadnt been keeping up on here!

Anyway, just my view - and that's based primarily on time constraints (family & work and all that) - but I would still stick with the 3 X week whole body workouts. I appreciate what you are saying about the extra work with the upper/lower split - which is nice for something different, once in a while - but I really believe that the best progress, and most efficient time is spent on whole body workouts.
I remember a great quote from either Ellington Darden or Arthur Jones about how your body is a whole. Work it as a whole, rest it as a whole...

I think unless you are doing this for a living, or you're a student with plenty of spare time, then 3 X week is surely enough? And I'm sure you will see as good results, especially considering the age factor and diminishing returns?
Not that I'm saying you're old, of course!

Infact, as I continue with my training - which I have been doing for nearly 25yrs (so similar to you) I am actually doing less sets, less exercises, and still getting better results. I do slightly more reps - aiming for around 30 per exercise (2 X15s, 3 X 10s & 6 X 5s) due to my conditioning of the years of training. But only maybe 4 or 5 exercises.

Just my view, but hope it helps.

Take it easy
