Getting for first HST cycle


New Member
Hey everyone,
I've been researching HST principals from this website and the forums. I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of hypertrophy specific training and after three years of lifting without much progress I am excited to get my first cycle started. Currently finding my 15,10 and 5 rep maxes and will begin my SD in four or five days.

I have one questions I was hoping I could get some advice on. I have been supplementing with a creatine monohydrate for about a year now, is it recommended to continue using creatine on my SD?

Finally here is my routine for the first 15 rep mesocycle, I would love to hear some feedback since this is my first go at HST. Thanks!

Bench 2x15
Squat 2x15
Straight Leg Deadlift 2x15
Pull Downs 2x15
Lateral Raise 2x15
Shrugs 2x15
EZ Bar Curls 2x15
Skull Crusher 2x15
Calf Raise 2x15

Bench 2x15
Squat 2x15
Leg Curl 2x15
Barbell Rows 2x15
DB Shoulder Press 2x15
Shrugs 2x15
BB Curls 2x15
Tricep pushdowns 2x15
Calf Raise 2x15
I did more research on the forums and answered my own question.... I was still hoping to hear some feedback on the routine thanks
I don't think it's necessary to take creatine during the SD phase. At the very least, it's good to take breaks from most supplements.

Regarding your routine:
Also, I try to do some type of rows anytime I bench. You're only doing rows every other workout, while your benching every time. Your A/B workouts are very similar too. I think doing the same exercises every workout is underrated - especially for people new to HST.

My biggest advice would be to start each cycle with very light weight! And, then progress each workout accordingly. I like to think of the 5th and 6th workout days as the "work" days. At least in my opinion, the first several days of each 15/10/5 cycle should be refreshing.

There are some good A/B setups on the forum. I prefer just doing the same workout though. My very first HST cycle (hard to believe that was a decade ago!) was:

Barbell Rows
Pullups (you could just do pull downs here)
(I didn't do any shoulder work, but Lateral Raises could be good here)
Dips (you could do skull crushers here)
Calf Raises
Chins (you could do curls here, I like to space them far enough from the pullups)

Miscellaneous notes:
I first did HST the summer after I finished high school. This was the EASIEST hypertrophy gains I had ever made - and that was after following the high school football training programs for 4 years. I had never done shrugs before. We were always doing hang cleans though. Oddly enough, the shrugs + HST worked better for my trap development. The strength gains are still there with HST.

I like doing barbell rows first. I find my rowing really suffers if I squat or do any type of deadlift first. I've always hated doing leg curls. I still do them, but I didn't on my first cycle. They should fit in well after the dips on the above routine. Most people have terrible back and hamstring development, so I don't see any problems doing both rows/pullups(or pull downs) and SLDL/leg curls in the same workout. Just remember to start off the 15s with very light weight! By the end of the second week, you'll be working hard again.

Having Barbell Rows, Shrugs, Squats, SLDL grouped together is also convenient b/c you just need one station. At least at the gyms I've been at, the squat racked is often hard to lock down. People will curl there, etc.

For some dumb reason, I had never followed a program with deadlifts in it. I had definitely squatted and done a lot of SLDLs though. The first time I deadlifted was after the above HST cycle. I worked up to 315x6, so there is some carryover. BUT, I would definitely throw in deadlifts for the next HST cycle.

I think one of the underrated things about HST is that the injury rate is really good. I've screwed up my shoulders/elbows before, but it was never following a HST protocol.

Hope that helps!
Thanks alot clayton! I really like the routine you laid out. I was never too hot on the A/B workout splits anyway (they just seem to be the most popular). I'm just gonna include some sort of shoulder exercise but otherwise thats looks perfect for me/