getting my DAD into HST


New Member
so my i had my dad (58 years old) doing some 8-12 rep high volume stuff foll0wed by 5 rep low volume strength (hypertrophy cycle followed by strength cycle). he has never lifted weights before and he has type 2 diabetes. he's really skinny and he wants to bulk up. after about 3 months he made good gains for his newbie gains. he went up 10lbs and he looked fuller. but then he got sick. so now i'm putting him on an HST program. how's this for his routine??

Bench Press
Lat Pulldown
Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Bicep Curl
Lying Leg Raises
1 Arm Tricep Extension

clustering 20 reps aiming for the rep count for each microcycle.

i think he'll like HST. his biggest complaint is when i had him doing the high volume stuff he was always sore. he felt like he couldn't walk. i told him DOMS is a good sign. but hopefully he can get bigger without DOMS thanks to HST (that's a lot of acronyms)

any suggestions for my 55+ year old dad?
I would think a young guy like a 55 year-old would do well with HST. I started when I was 61.

I'd be a little careful with any overhead lifts, though. After about age 40, a significant portion of men have some rotator cuff problems that an overhead lift can exacerbate.

should i have him do lateral raises instead? for the shoulder caps? he hasn't complained about military presses when i had him doing those