Getting started with HST


New Member
Getting read for HST and I am pumped! Love the science part behind it and feel this really good be that program that I have long searched for.
Just wanted to go over a few things and questions I have.
I have been getting back into lifting weights and have been lifting for the past 3-4 weeks. I figure, I will give myself one more week (next week) to continue to get my body back into shape and ready for HST. This will also allow me to figure out my 15 RM, 10 RM and 5 RM.
Just a few questions I have in regards to HST.
I know HST is supposed to really add muscle size, which is great. But, does it also help in burning fat as well? I know burning fat is a combo of excersing and dieting, but thought i'd ask. I read a article about a week ago that suggested that weight lifting is the best fat burning thing you can do. The reason, is that your body needs nutrients all the time after you work out to repair and build muscle. Where as cardio just burns excess calories. That right?
Lastly, I am working out at a home gym right now. My commercial gym is under construction. Here are the lifts I can perform:
-dead lifts
-stiff legged dead lifts
-bench, flat and incline
-barbell curls
-skull crushers (e-z curl bar)
-pull downs
-seated rows
-bent over rows
-leg extensions
-leg curls
There are a few I wish i could perform (such as t-bar rows, DB rows and dips) but those will have to wait.
Any excersises im missing that I might need? Or will this do.
I think that is it for now.
Working on my diet.
I plan on doing cardio on off days (Tue, Thurs, Sat.)
Ordered some whey and creatine. Have multi-vitamines.
I'll post more when I get closer on designing my routine.
Just thought i'd post this now to get started.

EDIT: On yes, one thing I forgot to ask.
When we are talking about 15 RM, 10 RM, 5 RM, we are talking about a weight that you can for a max of that specified reps, correct?

Ok, lets say that my 15 RM on incline bench is 165. Does that mean, that when I reach that 15th rep, I should be really struggling to get that last rep? I was a little fuzzy here, because there are recent articles that suggest that going to failure is not a good idea.

Just hoping to clarify that.
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]EDIT: On yes, one thing I forgot to ask.
When we are talking about 15 RM, 10 RM, 5 RM, we are talking about a weight that you can for a max of that specified reps, correct?

Ok, lets say that my 15 RM on incline bench is 165. Does that mean, that when I reach that 15th rep, I should be really struggling to get that last rep? I was a little fuzzy here, because there are recent articles that suggest that going to failure is not a good idea.

You are right - you're not supposed to goto failure... so those rep maxes should be set at a rep or two before failure, when you have a good burning sensation in the desired muscle.
