Getting Started


New Member
Hey guys,

ive been reading on this site for two days now, and i think i have an overall understanding of how this works. However im getting abit confused about getting started right so maybe you can help me out. im a normal/muscular guy that can gain weight rather easily. i weight about 195 pounds nomrally alittle more and less sometimes.

How do i start the program with cycle 1 is that 15 reps and two weeks next 12 and so on?
is it adviceable to make a dietplan?
how much muscle is it normal to gain per week so i dont go overboard like 300 grams per week?
Can i use the same program for a period of a year or should i switch around with various splits and strength based program furing my first training year?
Can i use the program for cutting when i decide i want to?
