GHRs and Reverse Hypers

Tom Treutlein

New Member
Do either of these exercises hypertrophy the glutes? I would think so, it seems like a dumb question, but I'm so used to squats doing it because of the stretch on them. GHRs and R. Hypers don't cause a stretch, but they really work said muscles.

I'm just asking asinine questions 'cause I'm exhausted. Excuse me.
Glute-Ham Raise is supposed to be one of the best exercises for hams and glutes on the block. I don't know, never done it. I'd like to though. Maybe someday if I can build or buy something to allow me to do them.
I figured. I dunno why I even asked. Being over-tired does that to me - I lose the ability to think for myself.

I want to build my own GHR setup. Would the floor-based variation work as well as the machine where you're suspended up off the ground, or is there some benefit for having that extra ROM?

Is your back supposed to round on either? I know I've heard Louie say you're supposed to let your legs swing under your face on the R. Hyper, which is a good deal of rounding on the lower back. I've also seen videos of GHRs with people going forward and then coming all the way down so their body practically formed an 'L'.