Going to try HST.... bit of advice needed

Trunk Monkey

New Member
If doing more than one set for a body part in an HST workout, do you do both sets per body part in succession (ie 2 x chest, 2 x back etc) or do you do one set for each body part and then repeat for the second set (ie 1 x chest, 1 x back etc then repeat)?

Also I'm torn between trying two sets of the same exercise per body part or two sets of different exercises per body part (ie, 2 x shoulder press vs 1 x shoulder press & 1 x lateral raise), what are opinions from those more experienced in HST than myself?

Thanks in advance :)
most do both sets per body part in succession (ie 2 x chest, 2 x back etc),but if you have the time and equipment to do it in a circuit fashion thats up to you as long as the weight goes up over the cycle it doesnt really matter.

IMO stick with the same exercises for the two sets,if your doing the big exercises they will work all the muscles anyway so dont worry about it.
What faz said, and try not to over think things. People were getting plenty big and strong before HST. While the explanations of how and why can be complex, the practical application is simple.