Gonna run into a problem... suggestions?


New Member
This weeks my last week of 5's. The next monday i'd be either doing negatives or continue 5's for a bit but i'm going to WLC and we have to live in that area and dont get days off and i heard you dont pt there so i can only do body weight excercises. Its 3wks long. What do i Do?
This weeks my last week of 5's. The next monday i'd be either doing negatives or continue 5's for a bit but i'm going to WLC and we have to live in that area and dont get days off and i heard you dont pt there so i can only do body weight excercises. Its 3wks long. What do i Do?

Hi Green...

3 weeks is not long...no!

If you can return after 3 weeks andf re-start its not a problem.

HST is rather adaptable it is not a tight system that cannot be manipulated, NO!

When you have these type of problems use logic...its not a problem.
It is for me and I wouldn't even do BW exercises just take the break and come back fresh.

I have just started my 5s and I will do them for 3 maybe 4 weeks and then take at least a 14 day break over the Christmas holiday period :)