Good starting workout? expert opinions


New Member
Good starting workout? All opinions please.

Hey everyone im new to this website but when I saw it I figured I might as well try. I am 21 and have been doing weights for 3 and a half years now but in the past 8 months have stopped but now im ready to get back into it and I couldnt think of any better the hst. I am just wondering if this is a good workout for me as I am limited by equipment but I still want to make the best gains with what I have. My workout plan is as follows

2 weeks 15rep
2 weeks 10rep
2 week 5rep
2 week negative 5rep
workout on M/W/F

I have worked out all max reps with each through trial and error and also online 1rm calculators

sumo deadlift
barbell calf raises
elevated pushups
standing military press
Zottoman bicep curls
dumbbell upright rows
tricep pushups
crunches with weights

I am also taking multi vitamins, creatine and fish oil.
I have purposely left out protein powder as I get plenty of protein from my diet.

criticism opinons and improvements are encouraged. please help
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Hi foggers, not an expert, but the only problem i can see with the exercises is that there isn't any chest compounds like bench or dips, which i think are great. Apart from that it looks good. Also you should be at a great advantage if you've had 8 months off to decondition.
any help will do as I am new to this program. yea i think the 8 months off really helped but im feeling really bad for not doing anything. as for the chest exercises i would love to do chest dips but unfortunatley i have no place stable to do them at home with this workout however i will be doing elevated pushups which i will increase the degree to which i am elevated at to get more resistance on the chest ( I forgot to put that exercise in there just edited it now :)) thanks for your help expert or not the more opinons i get the better, thanks :D
sumo deadlift
barbell calf raises
elevated pushups
standing military press
Zottoman bicep curls
dumbbell upright rows
tricep pushups
crunches with weights

obviously getting a bench would be a high priority, but looks like you are on the right path. What are your plans at progression with push ups? Are you possibly going to add plyo-pushups at lower rep stages or possibly one-arm pushups. I have done them in the past and they are very effective when free weights aren't an option. If you are looking for mass i would avoid zottman curls especially as weight increases. a simple alt. DB curl or bar curl would be more efficient. Hope this helps and good luck!
Thanks tdawg. I think with the pushups I will add some weight to them by wearing a backpack with some weight inside I just need to find out a good rep max for it and then maybe at my 5s I will add plyo pushups to the mix with a bit of weight until I get a bench press, would this be a good idea do you think? I have also scrapped the barbell calf raises as I see that as being a bit of a safety issue as I don't have the equipment or a spotter as I am working out at home. I think I will take your advice and replace the zottoman curl with a barbell or dumbbell curl as I cannot keep good technique with the zottoman. thanks :)
I have never personally done weighted plyo's before so i would just increase reps before adding weight. Make sure to keep an eye on your form because it can injure your wrists. Weighted pushups and plyo's should be great in the abscence of bench. You may need to alternate weighted and plyo if you do them 3 x a week if you don't feel your recovering enough. For calves try doing standing one legged raises holding onto a DB. they work great especially on a step or platform because you can steady yourseld with your free hand. Hope this helps and good luck!