Got to just love pro bodybuilders


Active Member
Hey guys I found this over in the IFBB section of

The question from a forum member was:

Q-Hey bob, do you feel that for naturals hitting the muscle 2-3 times a week is better than once a week? My experience has shown that protein synthesis lasts only for 72 hours max when not on a cycle. However, when on a cycle the body is in a constant state of protein synthesis, so one can make gains training once a week.

Answer from Bob Chick.

A-Actually, its the complete opposite of what your saying.

With AAS, your recovery rate is much a natural, you don't have nearly the recuperation you would need to break down muscle and recover, more than once a week....

You can read more of his post here.
What on earth were you doing over there Joe?
I was just looking know surfing the net.

I have a bunch of Bull shi--t sites I go to from time to time.

However they do have great deals on supplements!
(Joe.Muscle @ Feb. 14 2007,17:32)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">My experience has shown that protein synthesis lasts only for 72 hours max when not on a cycle.</div>

How does one &quot;experience&quot; protein synthesis?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You know they actually do have a HST results thread over there two!! </div>

No...Really? And what does it look like? Or is it just for kicks?
On,  If you do a search in the article section, there is alotta HST information provided.  Some good, some not so good.  

I go there for the photo gallery and bodyspace, its quite bizzare, you get these hot ass women that could get any man they wanted, even if they were fully clothed with a trench coat on, they are that attractive, yet they feel the need to take 20 pix a day with little on, trying to gain attention, hey whatever works right, it entertaining?    
He's right though...if you are training to failure or near failure every workout.

Remember, if you are doing HST you are working submaximal all the time.

Try doing your HST workout to failure 3x a week and see what happens...a big load of NOTHING.

So, if training that heavy EVERY TIME yeah, you need a week. And those guys really believe that a light workout is a wasted workout.

If training lighter a big part of the time the way we do, then you need more frequency.

I used to do the heavy all the time thing and did OK with it right up until I got hurt from it.

Now, as I look in the mirror, I see that the way we do things is better for my body.

Am I going to tell someone with 100lbs more muscle than I have he's doing it wrong? Not a chance.
Maybe I have been working too heavy in the past.

I don't always log my weights in perfect HST fashion.

I basically set a goal of a weight to get to in the rep range and work to it as quickly as possible.

Sometimes that means the weight goes up by 10 pound every workout sometime only 5 pounds or maybe none and I repeat.

Again I just shoot for a goal.

For example I am into my 6th workout on my 20 rep cycle.

Incline dumbell press started with 60 pounds for 10 reps at 2 sets.

Right now I am at 90 pounds for 20 reps.