Gripping Strength


HST Expert
Yeah, my turn for a silly question.

I have a great partner now who keeps up with the weight and tries hard to match me!

Much to my delight the workouts are now productive!

However he has a serious problem with his grip, I noticed that his grip weakens the moment he starts lifting the deadlift off the ground! That also happens with the chin ups.

His hands are small, but that is not the only problem, his strength is fine, yesterday he lifted 110 Kg for deads with me, but could only handle two reps before his grip gave in.

I recommended grippers (the spring variety) and told him we can do some forearm work. But what else can I help him with?
Fausto, get him to hang on to a heavy bar with a weight that allows for a good 30-45 seconds. Use over-over grip. Do a few sets. You'll probably find that one hand gives up before the other.

I am doing this right now and it is working. At the moment I can only hang on to 140kg for about 30 seconds before my left hand gives up. My right forearm is a fair bit stronger. My forearms have been nicely sore all week after my last session. I can only do my top load for deads (around 185kgs) if I use straps so I want to work at my grip until I can do at least one rep with that load without them.

What I have also found is that you can use straps to actually help improve your grip! If you do a couple of free-hand sets as above first you can then use straps with the same load to do a further set and hang on as long as possible again. Just pull the strap under the bar and around into your hand but don't wrap it like you normally would. You are just after a slight extra bit of grip. I suppose this is a bit like a drop set except you are keeping the load high and it really feels hard by the time your grip goes. Hope that makes sense?
(Lol @ Feb. 14 2007,07:09)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Fausto, get him to hang on to a heavy bar with a weight that allows for a good 30-45 seconds. Use over-over grip. Do a few sets. You'll probably find that one hand gives up before the other.</div>
My grip isn't the best either, but since I've started doing HST I'm trying to do exercises without straps. If my grip is fading the bit towards the end of a set, I'll use straps on my next set just so I don't compromise my form.

When you hold the heavy bar, do you do this at the end of a workout or on your rest days? Or once a week?

(dr_janitor @ Feb. 14 2007,14:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">When you hold the heavy bar, do you do this at the end of a workout or on your rest days? Or once a week?</div>
Twice a week, at the end of my workout or on an off day.
Second lol.  If I recall, Steve recommends static holds, too.  The grippers add strength, but they don't seem to give the same kind of grip endurance.

Unfortunately, stubby fingers run in my family  
 and I am having to work the same issue.
Here is one I read about a while back.

Get two plates say 10 lb plates. Place them so their smooth sides are facing out (so you can't get a good grip). Now gab them with one hand --sort of pinching them between your fingers and thumb. See how long you can hold them once you work up to a set time like one minute or two minutes --then move on to a heavyier weight. So if you can do this for two minutes with two 35lb weights -- you are doing really well.

WARNING when you fail the plates slip out of you hands and hit the floor. It is kind of dangerious. You gotta watch out for your feet, and can't do it in a crowded gym.

Good luck -- watch out for your toes and shins.

Cool Bob,my gym ain't crowded, my floor might suffer, can always do it over the grass, will give it a bash!
I am currious what you think once you try it Fausto. The problem isn't just that the weights drop, but then they sometimes roll.
the real question is what does HE want to do about his grip strength.

these guys have thrown out a lot of good suggestions but grip improvment tends to take quite a bit of time and effort. i definitly think he should go to straps when things get heavy (deadl,chins) so he can keep growing in muscle groups larger then just forearms. end of w/o grip work can have its place but it often gets short changed, lost, abbreviated or just plain given up on b/c it comes last when your tired, hungry and bottoming out on motivation.

ive found off day grip/forearm work to be the most effective but he will have to be motivated and consistant. anything like grippers (spring), forearm curls, thick bar or wgt holds or even wgts on a cord w/dowl (roll up and down) will work. combinations especially. obviously you need to have this stuff at home but its not that much stuff or $$$ to acquire it. takes about 10-15 min each day 2-3 times a week. sounds simple but many times its harder to carve 10-15 min out of off day then it is to take an hour or so to go to the gym on w/o day.

a month or so of this type of work will make a signifigant improvment in his grip strength and if hes lucky, forearm size.

good luck
To save time, I've been hanging BW from my chin bar to stretch the lats, shoulders. Of course, that works grip too, with my 213lbs. I have lousy grip strength IMO.
I read what the others had to say, and wanted to give my two cents. Two options come to mind that may or may not have been said already.

1) Straps
2) Style of grip (cross-grip?) - this is how I do my deadlifts

Straps are rather annoying to use IMO.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am currious what you think once you try it Fausto. The problem isn't just that the weights drop, but then they sometimes roll.</div>

Bob, shouldn't be too bad, I have mostly the hexagonal type weights from Trojan, so they don't roll that bad!

I hear you guys, surely he's going to get straps, that was one of my recommendations.

Colby, even with cross grip he still lets go, by the time he lifts the bar is on his fingers and not the palm, this is the main problem.

I knew I could count on you guys.


He is motivated indeed for the thick bar, I have some rubber padding that can do this so that is what I'll use, $$$ are pretty short
Colby: Versa Gripps. Fast and easy, and they don't slip. I put them on when I approach a weight I know grip will fail on. I go nekkid before that.  

I like that Ivanko unit; you can see your progress...but I wonder what the full total poundage is on it. The ad doesn't say.