Had to miss a full week during a cycle


New Member
This week has been too hectic for me to get to the gym, hadnt even been eating right so im taking the rest of the week off.

What should I do? Pick up where I left off on Monday or start a new cycle over?
redo your last wk,if you start the next wk it might be to heavy or cause injury,just go back it wont harm your progress.
I agree with faz on backing up your weights specially since you can enjoy the benefits of this mini-SD by re-ramping up.
This week i was going to start my 2nd week of 3x5

3x5 for core exercises
1x5 for isos

Should I still back up?
(BigL @ May 28 2008,6:40)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Should I still back up?</div>
I would...if I felt it would give me a better chance at establishing new rep maxes during the final week.