Half or Full Squat?

I like doing half squats as a prep for doing full squats.

In other words, if my squat goal is 350, I will try half or quarter reps at 375 or even 400, then drop down to 350 for the full reps, which *hopefully* will feel lighter. This is a technique I use with squats when gunning for new highs, or to bust out of a plateau.

I think for overall leg development, though, full range squats are better. Some like ATG and some like parallel, depending.
Squats to a box, 2" below parallel; any lower and my calves tend to act as a fulcrum, giving me a bit of PTD the day after...
I go as low as feels comfortable while being able to keep my lower back tight. You will get much more ham and glute involvement going deeper. The forces on the knee are better balanced going deeper too. I always feel more strain in my knees when I stop at parallel.

If you want to throw more weight onto your quads you could try working up to some heavy front squats.

I know what Slapz means about getting used to handling a heavier weight for reduced range of motion reps. I this case I would do box squats but I wouldn't just increase the weight and try these without practicing them first for a while. I think it's always good to give your body a bit of time to acclimatise to a different movement.

There's a lot more to good squat form than just half or full range reps though. Do a search and you should find some useful threads on this.
I`d say full squats, if only for the reason that it keeps ppl from doing exxagerated weight in shitty form and calling it a squat. You go full, you better damn well choose the right weight.
I do half squats as I am worried about my knees. No significant past injuries, but the joints crack very easily, and my left knee has pain time to time, so I don't want to add more stress by stretching past parallel.
Colby: I switched to doing full squats from half squats a while back. I read about the balancing of forces across the knee and decided that full squats were the way to go. I didn't have any real issues with my knees at the time but I always felt a lot of strain on them when I stopped the squat at parallel.

Switching to full-squats inevitably meant dropping the loads to get the same reps. I instantly felt more in control. My knees felt fine and my legs got more DOMS in the glutes and hams from the extra depth. I haven't looked back since. I love deep squats now and I have worked the loads back up to over and above what I used to use for half squats. I am still working on hip flexibility so that I can stay as upright as possible (like Chakarov).

Have you tried working on some full-squats early in your cycle when the loads are lighter and the reps higher?
(colby2152 @ Mar. 20 2007,10:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I do half squats as I am worried about my knees. No significant past injuries, but the joints crack very easily, and my left knee has pain time to time, so I don't want to add more stress by stretching past parallel.
Your entire post is 100% applicable to me too, up to the point where you said &quot;so I don't want to add more stress by stretching past parallel.&quot; I do full squats, because squatting doesn't hurt my knees
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">In other words, if my squat goal is 350, I will try half or quarter reps at 375 or even 400, then drop down to 350 for the full reps, which *hopefully* will feel lighter. This is a technique I use with squats when gunning for new highs, or to bust out of a plateau.</div>

Interesting slapz, never thought of it that way

I do both, full ATG till I can't lift a certain load, then gop over to box below parallel.

No knee problems yet! Parallel does seem to make me more aware of my knees.
This may sound a bit odd but I don't claim to be all that experienced when it comes to performing squats.

I do full squats, and don't experience knee problems besides a little soreness the next day. But I do have a groin issue dating back to my days playing hockey. Sometimes when I do squats a pain shoots through my right groin and restricts my movement downward. This only seems to be the case when my stance tends to get a little wider. I have to keep a stance slightly narrower than my shoulders to prevent this from happening.

Any comments/suggestions?
I had a similar issue and worried about a hernia but when I had it checked he did not find one. I think it can be aggravated by too wide a stance