Halfway through second cycle...


New Member
Well, it's official. I now weigh 200 lbs (200.5 actually ). ;)
I have never weighed that much before. Pretty exciting news for me, at least.

I started my 1st cycle at 178lbs and ended at 192. Now I'm 200 lbs. That's 22lbs in 1.5 HST cycles! Not friggn' bad. I start my 5's tomorrow. I gained 5lbs in the 5's my first go-round', so I'm looking forward to at least that much this time.

I'm also doing negs this time, so I'm hoping for increased growth during my post 5s. I lost a couple pounds during the post-5s; wasn't taking in enough kcals. I got that fixed now, though.

The best part is that 200 lbs was my goal for this cycle! Guess I'll have to adjust my goals.
Way to go. It feels great to finally break 200, doesn't it? Once you've got everything locked in, the weight just piles on though... and you still have the negs to go, so you should get some good growth. I suggest doing metabolic work in addition to the negatives if you didn't already plan to, it helps a lot in my opinion.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (chiefhog @ Oct. 09 2005,11:10)]Well, it's official. I now weigh 200 lbs (200.5 actually ). ;)
I have never weighed that much before. Pretty exciting news for me, at least.
I started my 1st cycle at 178lbs and ended at 192. Now I'm 200 lbs. That's 22lbs in 1.5 HST cycles! Not friggn' bad. I start my 5's tomorrow. I gained 5lbs in the 5's my first go-round', so I'm looking forward to at least that much this time.
I'm also doing negs this time, so I'm hoping for increased growth during my post 5s. I lost a couple pounds during the post-5s; wasn't taking in enough kcals. I got that fixed now, though.
The best part is that 200 lbs was my goal for this cycle! Guess I'll have to adjust my goals.
Just curious- how much bodyfat did you add to get those gains?
I dont have calipers, but I've kept detailed tape measurements. My waist started at 32.5" and I am 34" now. So a 1.5" gain in the waist.
Good job! That's a pretty darn amazing job, chief!
Chief Great Results...good gains considering you only gain 1.5 in the waist.
What has your diet looked like?

Also post some pics if you can! Before and After!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Joe.Muscle @ Oct. 09 2005,7:38)]Chief Great Results...good gains considering you only gain 1.5 in the waist.
What has your diet looked like?

Also post some pics if you can! Before and After!
During my first cycle, I took in about 3600 cals per day. I think that was a bit too small and my gains suffered in the post-fives (I even lost a couple pounds).

This cycle, I'm taking in 4000cals every day. It seems to be about what I need at this point in my training.

As far as the rest of my diet goes:
1.) It usually takes me 6-7 meals to hit my caloric goals
2.) I am doing a "clean" bulk. I eat lots of Oatmeal, chicken, tuna, eggs (cage free), fruit, veggies. I drink a half a gallon of milk daily.On the weekends, I usually have a few things like a couple slices of pizza, a burger, etc.
3.) 200g of protein/day
4.) "moderate carbs"
5.) 2.5g/day EFA
6.) 400mcg Folic Acid
6.) Multivitamin
7.) Creatine 5g/day
8.) 1 tblspn Flax oil/day
9.) Post WO whey shake
10.) simple sugar free diet

I have a couple pics from before I started my 1st cycle. I'll take pics after this cycle is finished. It should provide a good before and after. Comparing myself now to those pics, I can see the change.

Funny thing is, this is no joke, today 3 different people who see me all the time commented on how muscular I look. That's a first for me. :)
Diet looks awesome!

I remeber your before pics and you had a good build and looked good then...I can only imagine how you will progress 2 or 3 cycles from now.

Yeah all the hard work pays off when people who see you often start recognizing. Also I will tell you something else I admire.

I am only 27 years old so Im still young, however I am getting at that age now were lots of my peers who use to get by, by being young and having young metabolism, those guys you see them years later and they unfortunatly are overweight. As you get older you see this a lot. What I am trying to say is I get inspired the most by looking at a guys say in his mid 30's and above who is really fit, and I think most people would agree! Something about seeing a slight older generation still pounding away at the Iron that is inspiring!

Anyway keep it up man...look forward to seeing the results!

Joe! :)
Nice to see you are progressing chief!

It turns out we were right, weren't we! Eating is all it takes!

Congrats, keep up the good work, you might get to 205 this cycle!


(btw, I passed a weight plateau myself, so I'm with you!)

Congrats on the achievements!

Always good to see HST @ work! IN fact we should keep posts like this for the non-believers, they are simple no-brainers and indelitable proof!
JM: I'm 30 now and I couldn't agree with you more about being inspired by others. There is a guy at my gym in his 40's who has a real powerful build. I always think to myself, "That's what I want to look like when I'm his age."

Just had my pre-WO meal, off to the gym!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Fausto @ Oct. 10 2005,4
Congrats on the achievements!
Always good to see HST @ work! IN fact we should keep posts like this for the non-believers, they are simple no-brainers and indelitable proof!
yeah, but some people just don't want to believe you...just because I have the genetics of a banana
cheif, congrats man!

I am in almost the exact situation (5 years younger though). I am 190-192lbs right now. I did one cutting hst cycle and one slow bulk. I started at 182 lbs so i am almost up 10 lbs and am leaner than i was when i started! I am also currently starting my second week of SD and am not using an creatine.

my goal is to reach 200lbs for my next upcoming cycle. From my results of my last cycle I should be able to hit 200 expescially with the added 5 lbs or so from creatine.

i have been lifting for 5-6 years now, but just started lifting my legs (which is helping a lot, wish i did years back).

your story is motivating for me to reach the same goal, thanks for sharing!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (jwbond @ Oct. 10 2005,12:56)]cheif, congrats man!
I am in almost the exact situation (5 years younger though).  I am 190-192lbs right now.  I did one cutting hst cycle and one slow bulk.  I started at 182 lbs so i am almost up 10 lbs and am leaner than i was when i started!  I am also currently starting my second week of SD and am not using an creatine.
my goal is to reach 200lbs for my next upcoming cycle.  From my results of my last cycle I should be able to hit 200 expescially with the added 5 lbs or so from creatine.
i have been lifting for 5-6 years now, but just started lifting my legs (which is helping a lot, wish i did years back).
your story is motivating for me to reach the same goal, thanks for sharing!
The thing is, when you bust through a plateau of any kind, it's motivation to work even harder. That type of excitement and focus can't be faked. You know what I mean? When you share it with others, it's contagious.
i hear ya...well contgrats again!

how tall are you?
est. body fat % before and after (i know you didnt use calipers, but est. by mirror)

good to hear of another guy making good use of hst!

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]yeah, but some people just don't want to believe you...just because I have the genetics of a banana

Very few of us are borne with excellent genetics, unles of-course the fuhrer himself managed to get what he always wanted the arian race

Anyway...what's wrong with bananas :confused:

I'd ignore people who don't want to believe, don't waste time on pedantic people, wait, train, eat, sleep and grow.......and soon you'll be asked.........are you on roids :confused: What method of training are you using, then, mate slap them with the whole shabang

People who are skeptics without knowing the basis of their skepticism are a terrible waste of time, but often when they see results they want to know more....humans....what can I say!
[b said:
Quote[/b] (jvroig @ Oct. 11 2005,7:22)]Yep, if they don't want to believe you, don't lose sleep over it. Let them do what they want.
Yeah, I know, but I just want to help them or something.

I for myself am a sucker, but I know quite some stuff bout training and dieting and all, and I want others to profit from that knowledge.
So when I see them performing an exercise completely wrong, something inside me urges me to go and correct them.

But maybe I shouldn't care.
