
New Member
To my fellow yankee HSTers, HAPPY 4TH!

If you happen to be in NY, stop in for a drink!

For all of us (most of us) that are cutting, don't worry, CALORIES DON"T COUNT TODAY!
(beingisbeing @ Jul. 04 2008,2:25)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">To my fellow yankee HSTers, HAPPY 4TH!

If you happen to be in NY, stop in for a drink!

For all of us (most of us) that are cutting, don't worry, CALORIES DON&quot;T COUNT TODAY!</div>
I actually went out yesterday instead of today. Totally backwards with my diet plan as I ate 3500 calories yesterday and didn't lift, but today is closer to the normal cut and I already lifted. Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans as well! To think, 232 years ago, the Declaration of Independence was signed to free ourselves from England amidst a time of Revolutions across the world.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">For all of us (most of us) that are cutting, don't worry, CALORIES DON&quot;T COUNT TODAY!</div>

or u could be good and give them to ME!